2/24/2013 - 11:48 PM

Bash function for installing WordPress

Bash function for installing WordPress

wp() {
  # Needs two parameters
  # Parameter 1 is the account name, or install directory
  # Parameter 2 will set the database password
  cd ~/../home/${1}/public_html # go to install directory
  wget # get latest WordPress
  tar xfz latest.tar.gz # unpack
  chown -R ${1} wordpress # change all files in wordpress to be owned by user (solves a problem when installing as root)
  chgrp -R ${1} wordpress # change associated group (solves a problem when installing as root)
  mv wordpress/* ./ # move all files from /wordpress to the root directory
  rmdir wordpress # remove the wordpress folder
  rm -f latest.tar.gz # remove the tar package
  # Set up the database ...
  mysql -uroot -p$pass -e "create database $1_wrdp"
  mysql -uroot -p$pass -e "grant all on $1_wrdp.* to '$1'@'localhost' identified by '$2'"