Cloud Formation Template ( WordPress and Elastic Beanstalk
"Description":"The ElasticBeanstalk ELB URL of the website"
"ConstraintDescription":"must be Boolean.",
"Description":"If true customer service logs will be published to S3.",
"Description":"Enables you to specify the child directory of your project that is treated as the public-facing web root. If your root document is stored in your project directory, leave this set to \"\/\". If your root document is inside a child directory (e.g., <project>\/public), set this value to match the child directory. Values should begin with a \"\/\" character, and may NOT begin with a \".\" character.",
"Description":"Listen Port",
"Description":"Specifies whether error messages should be part of the output. (This value is written to the php.ini file.)",
"Description":"URL to hooks package",
"Description":"Specifies whether PHP should use compression for output. (This value is written to the php.ini file.)",
"Description":"The url of the application source.",
"Description":"Sets the maximum time, in seconds, a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by the environment. This helps prevent poorly written scripts from tying up the server.",
"Description":"Specifies the amount of memory allocated to the PHP environment. (This value is written to the php.ini file.)",
"Description":"Program environment variables.",
"Description":"Specifies whether the PHP's file functions are allowed to retrieve data from remote locations, such as websites or FTP servers. (This value is written to the php.ini file.)",
"Description":"Sets custom options to use when installing dependencies using Composer through composer.phar install",
"ConstraintDescription":"must be a valid EC2 instance type.",
"Description":"WebServer EC2 instance type",
"Content-Type: multipart\/mixed; boundary=\"===============5189065377222898407==\"",
"MIME-Version: 1.0",
"Content-Type: text\/cloud-config; charset=\"us-ascii\"",
"MIME-Version: 1.0",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit",
"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"cloud-config.txt\"",
"repo_upgrade: none",
"repo_releasever: ",
"Content-Type: text\/x-shellscript; charset=\"us-ascii\"",
"MIME-Version: 1.0",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit",
"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"user-data.txt\"",
"exec > >(tee -a \/var\/log\/eb-cfn-init.log|logger -t [eb-cfn-init] -s 2>\/dev\/console) 2>&1",
"echo [`date -u +\"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ\"`] Started EB User Data",
"set -x",
"function sleep_delay ",
" if (( $SLEEP_TIME < $SLEEP_TIME_MAX )); then ",
" echo Sleeping $SLEEP_TIME",
" sleep $SLEEP_TIME ",
" SLEEP_TIME=$(($SLEEP_TIME * 2)) ",
" else ",
" echo Sleeping $SLEEP_TIME_MAX ",
" sleep $SLEEP_TIME_MAX ",
" fi",
"# Executing bootstrap script",
"while true; do ",
" curl ",
" > \/tmp\/ ",
" RESULT=$?",
" if [[ \"$RESULT\" -ne 0 ]]; then ",
" sleep_delay ",
" else",
" \/bin\/bash \/tmp\/ ",
" '",
" '",
" '",
" '",
" '",
" '",
" '",
" '",
" '",
" '",
" '",
" && ",
" exit 0 ",
" fi ",
"--===============5189065377222898407==-- ",
"GroupDescription":"Load Balancer Security Group",
"GroupDescription":"VPC Security Group",
"ForcingMetadataUpdate":"Changing something in the metadata will force re-compuation",
" --concatenate --conf-path '\/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/tasks\/taillogs.d\/*' --location-prefix ",
"if [[ \"$EB_IS_COMMAND_LEADER\" == \"true\" ]]; then ",
" exit 0 ",
"else ",
" exit 1 ",
"fi ",
" --conf-path '\/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/tasks\/bundlelogs.d\/*' --location-prefix ",
"command":"rm -f \/tmp\/basehooks.tar.gz"
"command":"curl -sS --retry 3 'https:\/\/\/elasticbeanstalk-env-resources-ap-southeast-2\/stalks\/eb_php_4.\/lib\/basehooks.tar.gz' -o \/tmp\/basehooks.tar.gz"
"command":"mkdir -p \/opt\/elasticbeanstalk"
"command":"tar zxf \/tmp\/basehooks.tar.gz --no-same-owner --no-same-permission -C \/opt\/elasticbeanstalk"
"stop on runlevel [016]",
" \/opt\/aws\/bin\/cfn-hup",
"end script"
"command":"rm -f \/etc\/cfn\/hooks.d\/*.bak"
"command":"echo place holder"
" --conf-path '\/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/tasks\/systemtaillogs.d\/*' --location-prefix ",
"cat << EOF",
" _____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _",
"| ____| | __ _ ___| |_(_) ___| __ ) ___ __ _ _ __ ___| |_ __ _| | | __",
"| _| | |\/ _\\` \/ __| __| |\/ __| _ \\ \/ _ \\\/ _\\` | '_ \\\/ __| __\/ _\\` | | |\/ \/",
"| |___| | (_| \\__ \\ |_| | (__| |_) | __\/ (_| | | | \\__ \\ || (_| | | <",
"|_____|_|\\__,_|___\/\\__|_|\\___|____\/ \\___|\\__,_|_| |_|___\/\\__\\__,_|_|_|\\_\\\\",
" Amazon Linux AMI",
"This EC2 instance is managed by AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Changes made via SSH ",
"WILL BE LOST if the instance is replaced by auto-scaling. For more information ",
"on customizing your Elastic Beanstalk environment, see our documentation here: ",
"command":"rm -f \/etc\/update-motd.d\/*"
"command":"mv \/tmp\/10eb-banner \/etc\/update-motd.d\/10eb-banner"
"curl -sS --retry 3 '",
"' -o \/tmp\/hooks.tar.gz"
"command":"rm -f \/tmp\/hooks.tar.gz"
"command":"mkdir -p \/opt\/elasticbeanstalk"
"command":"tar zxf \/tmp\/hooks.tar.gz --no-same-owner --no-same-permission -C \/opt\/elasticbeanstalk"
"10,30,50 * * * * root ",
" --de-dupe --conf-path '\/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/tasks\/publishlogs.d\/*' --location-prefix ",
" --num-concurrent 2",
"05,25,45 * * * * root ",
"cat >> \/etc\/yum.conf <<- EOM",
"# Locking version of cfn-bootstrap",
"command":"rm -rf \/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/deploy\/appsource\/; mkdir -p \/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/deploy\/appsource\/"
"command":"rm \/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/bin\/download_source_bundle"
"#!\/bin\/bash -xe",
"# System imposed global limit",
"FILES_MAX=$(cat \/proc\/sys\/fs\/file-max)",
"if [[ ! $FILES_MAX =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then",
" echo WARNING: Unable to determine file max for this system",
" exit 0",
"# Per user limit",
"let \"USER_LIMIT=$FILES_MAX\/3\"",
"if [ $USER_LIMIT -lt 4096 ]; then",
" USER_LIMIT=4096",
"if [ $USER_LIMIT -gt 200000 ]; then",
" USER_LIMIT=200000",
"cat << EOF > \/etc\/elasticbeanstalk\/",
"ulimit -n $USER_LIMIT",
"value":" --concatenate --conf-path '\/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/tasks\/taillogs.d\/*' --location-prefix 'resources\/environments\/logs\/tail\/'"
"value":" --de-dupe --conf-path '\/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/tasks\/publishlogs.d\/*' --location-prefix 'resources\/environments\/logs\/publish\/' --num-concurrent 2"
"value":" --conf-path '\/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/tasks\/bundlelogs.d\/*' --location-prefix 'resources\/environments\/logs\/bundle\/'"
"value":" --concatenate --conf-path '\/opt\/elasticbeanstalk\/tasks\/systemtaillogs.d\/*' --location-prefix 'resources\/environments\/logs\/systemtail\/'"
"AvailabilityZoneCount":"Any 1",
"AlarmDescription":"ElasticBeanstalk Default Scale Up alarm",
"AlarmDescription":"ElasticBeanstalk Default Scale Down alarm",
"Description":"AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment (Name: 'production' Id: 'e-pyxpmc6mnq')",
"ebgems":"https:\/\/\/elasticbeanstalk-env-resources-ap-southeast-2\/stalks\/eb_php_4.\/lib\/beanstalk-core-2.1.gem https:\/\/\/elasticbeanstalk-env-resources-ap-southeast-2\/stalks\/eb_php_4.\/lib\/beanstalk-core-healthd-1.1.gem https:\/\/\/elasticbeanstalk-env-resources-ap-southeast-2\/stalks\/eb_php_4.\/lib\/executor-1.1.gem",
"rpms":"https:\/\/\/elasticbeanstalk-env-resources-ap-southeast-2\/stalks\/eb_php_4.\/lib\/aws-cfn-bootstrap-1.4-7_eb.noarch.rpm https:\/\/\/elasticbeanstalk-env-resources-ap-southeast-2\/stalks\/eb_php_4.\/lib\/aws-elasticbeanstalk-tools-1.16-1.noarch.rpm",
"CloudConfigOptions":"cloud_final_modules:\n - [scripts-user, always]",