7/31/2015 - 6:31 AM

overscroll fix

overscroll fix

<script> // Init Overscroll for Sports By Year and Hall of Fame Members
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

            o = $("#overscroll-year-wrapper ul").overscroll({
              cancelOn: '.no-drag',
                    direction: 'horizontal',
                    captureThreshold:   3, // The number of mouse move events before considering the gesture a "drag"
                    driftDecay:         1.1, // The linear-friction coefficient for drift decay (must be > 1)
                    driftSequences:     120, // The number of animation frames to constrain a drift to
                    driftTimeout:       500 // The amount of time to imply the user is no longer trying to drift (in ms)
                }).on('overscroll:driftstart', function(event){
                    // $('a').click(function(event){
                    $(window).on('click', function(event){
                      event.preventDefault(); // Remove default click event if driftstart detected
                }).on('overscroll:driftend', function(event){
                    // $('a').unbind('click'); // Enable default click event if driftend detected
                    $(window).off('click'); // Enable default click event if driftend detected
