12/13/2016 - 10:01 AM

Posts and Pages - Change the post auto-save interval

Posts and Pages - Change the post auto-save interval

<!-- The auto-save feature is your safety net: automagically WordPress saves your work, so you don't have to worry about it in the event of a browser crash or a blackout. For some users though, the 1 minute default could be a little too much and they keep interrupting their work to push the save button. For these little crazy monkeys (count me in), it'd be great to decrease the time span between auto-saves without a plugin. And this is easily achieved by adding the following code to the wp-config.php: -->

define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 45 );

<!-- Of course the code tweak works the other way around, so if you want to increase the auto-save interval, just set a higher value like 120 seconds or even more, you adrenaline junkies -->