A Git alias to display the total number of insertions and deletions.
# Usage: git total [OPTION...]
# Options:
# In theory, the command accepts all command line options supported by
# the "git log" command. In reality, however, only few commit-limiting
# options are useful. This includes:
# --author=PATTERN, --committer=PATTERN
# Displays the number of lines changed by a certain author.
# --since=DATE, --after=DATE
# Counts only commits that are more recent than a specific date.
# --until=DATE, --before=DATE
# Counts only commits that are older than a specific date.
# -n NUMBER, --max-count=NUMBER
# Counts only a certain number of commits.
# Examples:
# git total
# Displays the total number of changes.
# git total --author=john@example.com
# Displays the total number of changes by john@example.com.
total = "!f() { git log $@ --numstat | perl -ne '$i+=$1 and $d+=$2 if /^(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)/; END { print \"$i insertion(s), $d deletion(s)\n\"}'; }; f"