8/14/2015 - 9:45 PM

Readytheme based on Category Code // Checks if those exsists, and display. // You can have a bunch of different layouts :)

Readytheme based on Category Code // Checks if those exsists, and display. // You can have a bunch of different layouts :)

| Look for Readytheme items:
| - code_ll (Large Left)
| - code_st (Small Top)
| - code_sb (Small Bottom)
| code = current category code
<mvt:assign name="g.largeleft" value="l.settings:category:code $ '_ll'" />
<mvt:assign name="g.smalltop" value="l.settings:category:code $ '_st'" />
<mvt:assign name="g.smallbottom" value="l.settings:category:code $ '_sb'" />
<mvt:item name="readytheme" param="load_image(g.largeleft, l.settings:category:largeleft)" />
<mvt:item name="readytheme" param="load_image(g.smalltop, l.settings:category:smalltop)" />
<mvt:item name="readytheme" param="load_image(g.smallbottom, l.settings:category:smallbottom)" />
<mvt:if expr="l.settings:readytheme:category:largeleft:active AND l.settings:readytheme:category:smalltop:active AND l.settings:readytheme:category:smallbottom:active">
	<div class="row">
		<div class="column large-two-thirds large-left">
			 <mvt:item name="readytheme" param="image( g.largeleft )" />
		<div class="column large-one-third small-top nlp">
			<mvt:item name="readytheme" param="image( g.smalltop)" />
		<div class="column large-one-third small-bottom nlp">
			<mvt:item name="readytheme" param="image( g.smallbottom)" />