1/11/2015 - 1:20 PM

AdvacedSettings.xml for Kodi with MySQL and other tweaks.

AdvacedSettings.xml for Kodi with MySQL and other tweaks.

<!-- General Settings -->
<loglevel hide="true">-1</loglevel> <!-- Comment: Disables logging -->
<skiploopfilter>0</skiploopfilter> <!-- Comment: For RPi or similar use 16 or higher (low CPU usage) -->

<!-- MySQL Library -->
	<host></host> <!-- Comment: IP Address of MySQL Server -->
	<user>xbmc</user> <!-- Comment: MySQL Username -->
	<pass>xbmc</pass> <!-- Comment: MySQL Password -->

<!-- Streaming Optimization -->
<buffermode>1</buffermode> <!-- Comment: Default is 1 -->
<cachemembuffersize>52428800</cachemembuffersize> <!-- Comment: Default is 20971520 bytes or 20 MB -->
<readbufferfactor>2.0</readbufferfactor> <!-- Comment: Default is 1.0 -->

<!-- Video Library Tweaks -->
	<cleanonupdate>true</cleanonupdate> <!-- Comment: Also clean library during library update -->
	<hideallitems>true</hideallitems> <!-- removes the "*All" items from the video library -->
	<hideemptyseries>true</hideemptyseries>  <!-- hide empty series in the video library -->

	<ignoreerrors>true</ignoreerrors> <!-- Set to true to silently ignore errors while scanning videos. This prevents the error dialogue box, so you don't have to keep hitting "yes" to keep scanning.-->

<!-- Playback Tweaks -->
	<timeseekforward>15</timeseekforward> <!-- Comment: Skip back time 15 s -->
	<timeseekbackward>-15</timeseekbackward> <!-- Comment: Skip forward time 15 s -->
	<subsdelayrange>240</subsdelayrange> <!-- Comment: Subtitle offset adjustment range -->