Chris.Kendrick of Team Echo Idea
10/29/2018 - 2:09 PM

TL Solutions - Profitability Analysis

when we receive a primary award, run this script to get some of the required inputs. Other inputs fro from RFP Pricing Engine and/or award file.

What: TL Solutions script to populate Profitability Analysis reports Where: n/a - based on RFP Why: show RFP/Account historic information When: past year How: EchoOptimizer tables, TLPricing tables

-- Creator: Chris Kendrick
-- Purpose: Populate data needed for TL RFP Profitability Analyses
-- Created: 12.21.2017
-- Updated: 3.12.2018
-- Tender Type Segment: 10.8.2018
-- Email list added: 10.26.2018

DECLARE @startdate as date = dateadd(year,-1,GETDATE()); --how far back actuals goes
DECLARE @enddate as date = GETDATE(); --how far back actuals stops
DECLARE @bidId as varchar(20) = '0064A00000uZiKvQAK'; --required input, identifies the RFP record from TLPricing.rfp.bid_history
DECLARE @salesRepEmail as varchar(50) = --gets the reps email address to then use talentmart.dim.employee
		select distinct
		from tlpricing.rfp.bid_history as B
		left join EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblUsers as U on B.SalesRep = U.FullName
		where bidid = @bidId
			and U.[Status] = 'A'

--Email output
--copy/paste this into the PA email adress
select as repEmail
	,';' as [;]
	,IIF(M1.Email = '','',IIF( = '','',IIF( = '','',M1.Email))) as Manager1Email
	,';' as [;]
	,IIF(M2.Email = '','',IIF( = '','',IIF( = '','',M2.Email))) as Manager2Email
	,';' as [;]
	,IIF(M3.Email = '','',IIF( = '','',IIF( = '','',M3.Email))) as Manager3Email
	,';' as [;]
	,'' as ProfitDistList
from TalentMart.dim.employee as R
left join TalentMart.dim.employee as M1 on R.Supervisor1ID = M1.userId
left join TalentMart.dim.employee as M2 on R.Supervisor2ID = M2.userId
left join TalentMart.dim.employee as M3 on R.Supervisor3ID = M3.userId
where = @salesRepEmail
	and R.OrgLevel1 = 'Sales'
	and LEFT(R.OrgLevel2,7) <> 'Carrier'
	and R.isCurrentRow = 1
	and M1.isCurrentRow = 1
	and M2.isCurrentRow = 1
	and M3.isCurrentRow = 1

--CREATING #primaryDeets
--ouputs bid level information
if object_id('tempdb.db.#primaryDeets', 'U') is not null drop table #primaryDeets;
INTO #primaryDeets
FROM tlpricing.rfp.bid_history as B
WHERE BidId = @bidId
;--select * from #primaryDeets
select * from #primaryDeets

--creating #bid
--setting up the hunt for actuals
if object_id('tempdb.db.#bids', 'U') is not null drop table #bids;
with cte as (
		select B.CustomerName,B.BidId,B.GoLiveDate,B.RateExpDate,BidType,ClientType,b.Enumber
		from TLPricing.rfp.Bid_History as b
		where B.Bidid = @bidId
	Distinct CTE.BidId
		WHEN C.ParentAccountId is null then C.CustomerId 
		WHEN C.ParentAccountId = '5F8A8313-31D4-49E2-83F2-2836244C5216' then C.CustomerId
		else PC.CustomerId end as ChildEnumbers

INTO #bids
from cte 
	LEFT JOIN	EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblCustomer as C ON cte.Enumber = C.CustomerId
	LEFT JOIN	EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblCustomer as PC ON C.ParentAccountId = PC.ParentAccountId
; --select * from #bids

--CREATING #loads
--	restrincts to loads CREATED before the @Date week's Sunday (only changes once/week)
-- continuing hunt for actuals
if object_id('tempdb.db.#loads', 'U') is not null drop table #loads;

	,L.Revenue - L.Cogs as GP
	,O.City + ' ' + o.StateCode as originCityState
	,d.City + ' ' + d.StateCode as DestCityState

INTO #loads
FROM			EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblLoads as L
	left join	EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblAddress as O on L.OriginAddressId = O.AddressId
	left join	EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblAddress as D on L.DestinationAddressId = D.AddressId
	LEFT JOIN	EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblCustomerLoads as CL ON L.LoadGuid = CL.LoadGuid
	LEFT JOIN	EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblCustomer as C ON CL.CustomerGuid = C.CustomerGuid
	INNER JOIN	(SELECT distinct ChildEnumbers from #bids) as SUB ON	C.CustomerId = SUB.ChildEnumbers
WHERE L.Mode = 'TL'	
	AND	L.[Status] = 'Delivered' 
	AND L.CreatedDate between @startdate and @enddate
	and L.COgs > 150
GROUP BY L.LoadGuId,C.CustomerId,L.Revenue,L.Cogs,L.Revenue - L.Cogs,L.CreatedDate
	,O.City + ' ' + o.StateCode
	,d.City + ' ' + d.StateCode
HAVING COUNT(*) = 1 --removing any dups
; --select * from #loads

--TenderType (#TenderType)
-- getting a tender type for each historical shipment
if object_id('tempdb.db.#tenderType', 'U') is not null drop table #tenderType;

            ,CASE   WHEN RefField.refvalue IN ('Award','Award (PreSpot)','Award (Pre-Spot)') THEN 'Award'
                    WHEN RefField.refValue IN ('Routing Guide') THEN 'Routing Guide'
                    WHEN RefField.refValue IN ('Spot') THEN 'Spot'
                    WHEN RefField.refValue IS NULL AND CAST(L.CreatedDate AS DATE) < '1/25/2017' THEN 'Other'
                    ELSE (CASE  WHEN LE.TenderTypeId = 1 THEN 'Spot'
                                WHEN LE.TenderTypeId = 2 THEN 'Award'
                                WHEN LE.TenderTypeId = 3 THEN 'Routing Guide'
                                WHEN LE.TenderTypeId = 4 THEN 'Spot'
                                ELSE 'Spot'
                    END AS TenderType
			--,LE.CreatedDate as dropDownCreatedDate
		--	,RefField.CreatedDate as refFieldCreatedDate
			,RANK() OVER (partition by L.LoadGuid order by RefField.CreatedDate DESC) as RNK
INTO #tenderType                    
FROM        #Loads AS L 
LEFT JOIN   EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblLoadsExtended AS LE WITH(NoLock)
ON          L.LoadGuId = LE.LoadGuid
                SELECT DISTINCT     LR.LoadGuId, LR.refValue,LR.Createddate
                FROM                EchoOptimizer.dbo.LoadReference AS LR (nolock)
                INNER JOIN          EchoOptimizer.dbo.RefType AS RT (nolock)
                ON                  LR.refTypeID = RT.refTypeID
                WHERE               (RT.refTypeName LIKE 'Tender Type%' OR RT.refTypeName LIKE 'Tende Type%')
                AND                 LR.RecStatus = 0
                AND                 RT.RecStatus = 0
				--and LoadGuid = '4BC0195D-98A3-46FC-94DB-3AD1A9F0A56C'
            ) AS RefField
ON          L.LoadGuId = RefField.loadguid
;--select * from #tenderType order by LoadGuid,RNK ASC 

/* Removing duplicated tender type reference field loads*/
delete from #tenderType
where RNK >1
;--select * from #tenderType order by LoadGuid,RNK ASC

/* --dup check
	select LoadGuid
	from #tenderType
	group by LoadGuid

--Actuals output
--...outputs the actuals - use this in the upper left box 
		'Overall' as TenderType
		,0 as ordr
		,COUNT(Distinct L.originCityState+L.DestCityState) as lanes
		,COUNT(*) as volume
		,SUM(L.revenue) as Revenue
		,SUM(L.GP) as GP
	from #loads as L
	inner join #tenderType as T on L.LoadGuid = T.LoadGuid


		'Primary' as TenderType
		,1 as ordr
		,COUNT(Distinct L.originCityState+L.DestCityState) as lanes
		,COUNT(*) as volume
		,SUM(L.revenue) as Revenue
		,SUM(L.GP) as GP
	from #loads as L
	inner join #tenderType as T on L.LoadGuid = T.LoadGuid
	where T.TenderType = 'Award'


		'Routing Guide' as TenderType
		,2 as ordr
		,COUNT(Distinct L.originCityState+L.DestCityState) as lanes
		,COUNT(*) as volume
		,SUM(L.revenue) as Revenue
		,SUM(L.GP) as GP
	from #loads as L
	inner join #tenderType as T on L.LoadGuid = T.LoadGuid
	where T.TenderType = 'Routing Guide'

		'Spot/Other' as TenderType
		,3 as ordr
		,COUNT(Distinct L.originCityState+L.DestCityState) as lanes
		,COUNT(*) as volume
		,SUM(L.revenue) as Revenue
		,SUM(L.GP) as GP
	from #loads as L
	inner join #tenderType as T on L.LoadGuid = T.LoadGuid
	where T.TenderType not in ('Award', 'Routing Guide')
	,cast(Revenue as int) as Total_Revenue
	,cast(GP as int) as Total_GP
	,CAST(CAST(GP as decimal(11,2))/CAST(Revenue as decimal(11,2))as decimal(7,3)) as [GP%]
	,CAST(CAST(GP as decimal(11,2))/CAST(Volume as decimal(11,2))as decimal(11,2)) as [GP_per_Load]

from Cte
order by ordr

--Creating #pastRFPs
-- how did a "comparable" previous rfp's award look
if object_id('tempdb.db.#pastRFPs', 'U') is not null drop table #pastRFPs;
with cte as (
			WHEN C.ParentAccountId is null then C.CustomerId 
			WHEN C.ParentAccountId = '5F8A8313-31D4-49E2-83F2-2836244C5216' then C.CustomerId
			else PC.CustomerId end as ChildEnumbers
	from #primaryDeets as PD
		LEFT JOIN	EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblCustomer as C ON PD.Enumber = C.CustomerId
		LEFT JOIN	EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblCustomer as PC ON C.ParentAccountId = PC.ParentAccountId
, pastBids as (
	select	CTE.BidId as 'CurrentBidID',CTE.GoLiveDate as 'CurrentGoLive',CTE.RateExpDate as 'CurrentRateExp',
			b.BidId as 'PastBidID',b.GoLiveDate as 'PastGoLive',b.RateExpDate as 'PastRateExp'
	from CTE 
		left join tlpricing.rfp.bid_history as b 
		on cte.ChildEnumbers = b.ENumber 
		and CTE.BidId <> b.BidId
		and b.GoliveDate between DATEADD(d,-385,CTE.GoLiveDate) and DATEADD(d,-335,CTE.GoLiveDate)
		and b.RateExpDate between DATEADD(d,-385,CTE.RateExpDate) and DATEADD(d,-335,CTE.RateExpDate)
	where cte.ChildEnumbers is not null
		and b.Bidid is not null
,AGG as (
	select p.CurrentBidID,p.PastBidId
		,SUM(CASE WHEN L.Award = 'Primary' then 1 else 0 end) as primaryCt
		,CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN L.Award = 'Primary' then L.TotalExpectedVolume else 0 end) as int) as primaryVol
		,CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN L.Award = 'Primary' then L.TotalExpectedRevenue else 0 end) as int) as primaryRev
		,CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN L.Award = 'Primary' then L.TotalExpectedGP else 0 end) as int) as primaryGP
		,CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN L.Award = 'Primary' then L.TotalExpectedGP else 0 end) / SUM(CASE WHEN L.Award = 'Primary' then L.TotalExpectedVolume else 0 end) as int)as primaryGPperLoad
		,CAST(CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN L.Award = 'Primary' then L.TotalExpectedGP else 0 end) as decimal(15,3)) / CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN L.Award = 'Primary' then L.TotalExpectedRevenue else 0 end)as decimal(15,3)) as decimal(15,3)) as primaryGPpercent
	from pastBids as p
		left join tlpricing.rfp.lane_history as l
		on p.PastBidID = L.BidId
	Where l.award = 'Primary'
	group by p.CurrentBidID,p.PastBidId
	'Previous_RFP_Award' as category
into #pastRFPs
from #primaryDeets as p
left join AGG on p.BidId = AGG.CurrentBidID

select * from #pastRFPs;