MongoDB Quiz + Notes
Objective: 1) How many tweets are in the tweets collection (You can use the count operator)
Answer: db.tweets.find().count()
Answer = 966
2) Find all the tweets that are in 'en', and how many are them?
db.tweets.find({"lang": {$eq: "en"}}).count()
Answer = 702
3) Find all tweets that has a hashtag of "QPRWHU"
db.tweets.find({"entities.hashtags.text": {$eq:"QPRWHU"}}).count()
Answer = 1
4) Find all the tweets that has a hashtag of "QPRWHU", and has a tweet count of greater than 120
$and: [
{"entities.hashtags.text": {"$eq":"QPRWHU"}},
{"retweet_count": {"$gt": 120}}
5) How many users are there that has a followers_count greater than 8279353
"user.followers_count": { $gt:8279353 }
Answer = 137
db.tweets.find({"entities.hashtags.text": {$eq:"QPRWHU"}}).
$and: [{
"entities.hashtags.text": {$eq: "QPRWHU"}
"statuses_count" : {$gt:120}
transfer collection "tweets" from database:test to database:twitter
{$gt: ""}
--------- NOTES ----------
Install MongoDB
Setup MongoDB shell and server (Also set environment variables to use in \bin folder)
Collection = A database full of documents
documents = class
data = students
mongod --dpath or --dbpath "filePath" (Sets where the mongodb will be installed)
(command) mongo = shell for running mongodb commands
(command) mongod or mongod --dpath "filePath" = opens server
(Keep this open while using mongodb, then start another terminal for 'mongo' command)
Learning Sources: (Great and Free Udemy Courses)
Database > Collections (possible multiple) > Documents (pm) > Data (pm)
-show dbs
-use DatabaseName (if this database name is non-existent, it will create it then use it)
-db (checks currently using database)
navigate to proper current working directory first, then . . .
mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath C:\Folder\Path\Directory\data\db --logpath C:\database\logs\directory\mongo.log --logappend --install
--directoryperdb (uses a separate directory/folder to store data for each database
The directories are under the '--dbpath' directory
--logappend --install (runs as a service)
mongo => shell that initializes to run mongo query/queries and update data
mongod => server
net start MongoDB (starts the MongoDB server as a service)
mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath C:\mongoDB\Server\3.6\data\db --logpath C:\mongoDB\Server\3.6\log\mongo.log --logappend --install