10/19/2017 - 6:05 AM

A query analyzer that parses Redis' MONITOR command for counter/timing stats about query patterns.

A query analyzer that parses Redis' MONITOR command for counter/timing stats about query patterns.

#! /usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import re

line_re_24 = re.compile(r"""
    """, re.VERBOSE)

line_re_26 = re.compile(r"""
    """, re.VERBOSE)

class StatCounter(object):

    def __init__(self, prefix_delim=':', redis_version=2.6):
        self.line_count = 0
        self.skipped_lines = 0
        self.commands = defaultdict(int)
        self.keys = defaultdict(int)
        self.prefixes = defaultdict(int)
        self.times = []
        self._cached_sorts = {}
        self.start_ts = None
        self.last_ts = None
        self.last_entry = None
        self.prefix_delim = prefix_delim
        self.redis_version = redis_version
        self.line_re = line_re_24 if self.redis_version < 2.5 else line_re_26

    def _record_duration(self, entry):
        ts = float(entry['timestamp']) * 1000 * 1000 # microseconds
        if not self.start_ts:
            self.start_ts = ts
            self.last_ts = ts
        duration = ts - self.last_ts
        if self.redis_version < 2.5:
            cur_entry = entry
            cur_entry = self.last_entry
            self.last_entry = entry
        if duration and cur_entry:
            self.times.append((duration, cur_entry))
        self.last_ts = ts

    def _record_command(self, entry):
        self.commands[entry['command']] += 1

    def _record_key(self, key):
        self.keys[key] += 1
        parts = key.split(self.prefix_delim)
        if len(parts) > 1:
            self.prefixes[parts[0]] += 1

    def _reformat_entry(entry):
        max_args_to_show = 5
        output = '"%(command)s"' % entry
        if entry['key']:
            output += ' "%(key)s"' % entry
        if entry['args']:
            arg_parts = entry['args'].split(' ')
            ellipses = ' ...' if len(arg_parts) > max_args_to_show else ''
            output += ' %s%s' % (' '.join(arg_parts[0:max_args_to_show]), ellipses)
        return output

    def _get_or_sort_list(self, ls):
        key = id(ls)
        if not key in self._cached_sorts:
            sorted_items = sorted(ls)
            self._cached_sorts[key] = sorted_items
        return self._cached_sorts[key]

    def _time_stats(self, times):
        sorted_times = self._get_or_sort_list(times)
        num_times = len(sorted_times)
        percent_50 = sorted_times[int(num_times / 2)][0]
        percent_75 = sorted_times[int(num_times * .75)][0]
        percent_90 = sorted_times[int(num_times * .90)][0]
        percent_99 = sorted_times[int(num_times * .99)][0]
        return (("Median", percent_50),
                ("75%", percent_75),
                ("90%", percent_90),
                ("99%", percent_99))

    def _heaviest_commands(self, times):
        times_by_command = defaultdict(int)
        for time, entry in times:
            times_by_command[entry['command']] += time
        return self._top_n(times_by_command)

    def _slowest_commands(self, times, n=8):
        sorted_times = self._get_or_sort_list(times)
        slowest_commands = reversed(sorted_times[-n:])
        printable_commands = [(str(time), self._reformat_entry(entry)) \
                              for time, entry in slowest_commands]
        return printable_commands

    def _general_stats(self):
        total_time = (self.last_ts - self.start_ts) / (1000*1000)
        return (
            ("Lines Processed", self.line_count),
            ("Commands/Sec", '%.2f' % (self.line_count / total_time))

    def process_entry(self, entry):
        if entry['key']:

    def _top_n(self, stat, n=8):
        sorted_items = sorted(stat.iteritems(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
        return sorted_items[:n]

    def _pretty_print(self, result, title, percentages=False):
        print title
        print '=' * 40
        if not result:
            print 'n/a\n'

        max_key_len = max((len(x[0]) for x in result))
        max_val_len = max((len(str(x[1])) for x in result))
        for key, val in result:
            key_padding = max(max_key_len - len(key), 0) * ' '
            if percentages:
                val_padding = max(max_val_len - len(str(val)), 0) * ' '
                val = '%s%s\t(%.2f%%)' % (val, val_padding, (float(val) / self.line_count) * 100)
            print key,key_padding,'\t',val

    def print_stats(self):
        self._pretty_print(self._general_stats(), 'Overall Stats')
        self._pretty_print(self._top_n(self.prefixes), 'Top Prefixes', percentages = True)
        self._pretty_print(self._top_n(self.keys), 'Top Keys', percentages = True)
        self._pretty_print(self._top_n(self.commands), 'Top Commands', percentages = True)
        self._pretty_print(self._time_stats(self.times), 'Command Time (microsecs)')
        self._pretty_print(self._heaviest_commands(self.times), 'Heaviest Commands (microsecs)')
        self._pretty_print(self._slowest_commands(self.times), 'Slowest Calls')

    def process_input(self, input):
        for line in input:
            self.line_count += 1
            line = line.strip()
            match = self.line_re.match(line)
            if not match:
                if line != "OK":
                    self.skipped_lines += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        type = argparse.FileType('r'),
        default = sys.stdin,
        nargs = '?',
        help = "File to parse; will read from stdin otherwise")
        type = str,
        default = ':',
        help = "String to split on for delimiting prefix and rest of key",
        required = False)
        type = float,
        default = 2.6,
        help = "Version of the redis server being monitored",
        required = False)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    counter = StatCounter(prefix_delim = args.prefix_delimiter, redis_version = args.redis_version)