6/20/2019 - 7:23 AM

CheckList after coding.

  1. Submit Google spread sheet for the project for QC(Quality Control).
    1. Add page title to header tag for SEO.
    2. If sub page, Did you add sub page name to ?
    3. Did you add text to Alt attribute on img tag? (You need to add text to alt)
    4. Did you add link & anchor link to href attr?
    5. Check h1,h2,h3 ... number order. should not skip number. Check with developer tool bar "document outline".
  2. Fix Errors
    1. Remove unuse 404 error(js, css, imgs). Check console on Google Chrome for it.
  3. Check Design
    1. If in the case of dynamic contents like WordPress, you need to check the layout in the case of one line text & multiline texts too.
    2. Image is 100% same with Design? Not blurred?
    3. Displayed image size on browser & natural image size is 100% same? If different, img is blurred!
    4. Did you compare "Browser Screen Shot" & "Design(psd, ai)" to check layout after edit HTML or CSS?(1 whole page Screen Shot is useful to compare).
    5. Element's white space(margin or padding) is same with design?
  4. Check Text
    1. Text is same with design or document? Need to check by text search on browser.
    2. Alt text is correct? (Please use developer tool bar to check alt text.)
  5. Check mobile layout
    1. If has mobile dropdown & it is position fixed, you need to check the looks on each status(scrolled looks & not scrolled looks).
    2. Did you check the layout on each screen(iPhone6/6 plus width, PC) after you edited HTML or CSS?
    3. Browser X scrollbar does not exist in mobile?
  6. Check with w3c html validation.(you can check by 1 click button on developer tool bar.)
  7. Browser check by (Chrome, Firefox, IE11, Edge) on Windows10, (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on macOS.
  8. Add ✓(if same with design) or ✖(if has any problem) to Google spread sheet.

  • If you can not make Pixel Perfect, please explain the reason.