Convert aax to m4a
Converts Audible aax audiobooks to m4a while keeping chapters and the cover image intact. The cover is added as a looped image so it is shown while playing on Plex Media Server
> convert-aax-to-m4a.cmd <filename> <device> <debug>
: is your aax file. duh!<device>
: is the number of the registry entry in HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Audible\SWGIDMAP
: add debug
as 3rd parameter to get more ffmpeg
> convert-aax-to-m4a.cmd AgenttotheStars_ep6_A1SZN9UBXNTEA2.aax
Using Device 0 (Activation Bytes: 74FF0506)
Reading audiobook information ...
John Scalzi - Agent to the Stars (Unabridged) [2010] (Duration: 8h44m)
Converting to m4a ...
size= 246321kB time=08:49:45.00 bitrate= 63.5kbits/s speed=7.09e+003x
Adding looped cover image audiobook
frame=31844 fps=645 q=17.0 Lsize= 256060kB time=08:49:45.00 bitrate= 66.0kbits/s speed= 644x
ffmpeg -y -i audiobook.aax cover.png
ffmpeg -y -activation_bytes 1CEB00DA -i audiobook.aax -c:a copy -vn audiobook-tmp.m4a
ffmpeg -y -r 1 -loop 1 -i cover.png -i audiobook-tmp.m4a -c:a copy -shortest audiobook.m4a
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
chcp 65001
set input=%1
set device=%2
set loglevel=quiet
for %%i in ("%~f1") do set dirname=%%~dpi
for %%i in ("%~f1") do set extension=%%~xi
set tempfile=%dirname%%RANDOM%-temp.m4a
set tempimage=%dirname%%RANDOM%-temp.png
if /i "%1" EQU "" (echo Usage: %0 ^<filename^> ^<device^> & goto :eof)
if /i "%extension%" NEQ ".aax" (echo Not an AAX file! & goto :eof)
if /i "%2" EQU "" set device=0
if /i "%3" EQU "debug" set loglevel=info
where /q ffmpeg || (echo Please install ffmpeg! & goto :eof)
where /q jq || (echo Please install jq! & goto :eof)
for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg.exe query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Audible\SWGIDMAP" /v "%device%"') do set bytes=%%b
set activation_bytes=%bytes:~6,2%%bytes:~4,2%%bytes:~2,2%%bytes:~0,2%
if /i "%bytes%" EQU "" echo Device %device% does not exist! & goto :eof
if /i "%activation_bytes%" EQU "FFFFFFFF" echo Device %device% is not activated! & goto :eof
echo Using Device %device% (Activation Bytes: %activation_bytes%)
echo Reading audiobook information ...
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('ffprobe "%input%" -v %loglevel% -print_format json -show_format ^| jq -r ".format.tags.artist"') do set artist=%%i
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('ffprobe "%input%" -v %loglevel% -print_format json -show_format ^| jq -r ".format.tags.title"') do set title=%%i
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('ffprobe "%input%" -v %loglevel% -print_format json -show_format ^| jq -r ""') do set year=%%i
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('ffprobe "%input%" -v %loglevel% -print_format json -show_format ^| jq -r """\(.format.duration|(tonumber/60/60)|floor)h\(.format.duration|(tonumber%%60))m"""') do set duration=%%i
set filename=%artist% - %title% [%year%].m4a
set filename=%filename:\=%
set filename=%filename:/=%
set filename=%filename::=%
set filename=%filename:?=%
set filename=%filename:"=%
set filename=%filename:<=%
set filename=%filename:>=%
set filename=%filename:|=%
rem crashes the cmd if variables contain umlauts ...
rem echo %artist% - %title% [%year%] (Duration: %duration%)
echo Converting to m4a ...
ffmpeg -y -v quiet -i "%input%" "%tempimage%"
ffmpeg -y -v %loglevel% -stats -activation_bytes %activation_bytes% -i "%input%" -c:a copy -vn "%tempfile%" || (echo Audiobook can't be unlocked with this Activation Bytes: %activation_bytes% & goto :cleanup)
echo Adding looped cover image audiobook
ffmpeg -y -v %loglevel% -stats -r 1 -loop 1 -i "%tempimage%" -i "%tempfile%" -c:a copy -shortest "%dirname%%filename%"
echo Done!
goto :cleanup
del /q "%tempfile%" >nul 2>&1
del /q "%tempimage%" >nul 2>&1
goto :eof