11/28/2017 - 5:36 PM

Install OpenConnect with Brew on High Sierra/Mojave

Install OpenConnect with Brew on High Sierra/Mojave

Installation and usage

brew install openconnect
sudo openconnect -u --authgroup=VPN-SSL-GROUP

If you have issues with DNS resolution (even though your /ect/resolv.conf looks good), configure DNS servers manually:

# list of available networks can be found using:
# networksetup -listallnetworkservices
networksetup -setdnsservers Wi-Fi

Additional tools

Optional GUI brew cask install openconnect-gui

Mac OS X users with OS X 10.6 or older, or using OpenConnect 6.00 or older, will also need to install the Mac OS X tun/tap driver. Newer versions of OpenConnect will use the utun device on OS X which does not require additional kernel modules to be installed.

brew install tuntap