Template file locations
- Template for Related portfolio
- The content page
- Single portfolio Item
- Change the Labels of custom post types here:
- This is the index porfolio items, you can change or add custom fields here
for example:
<!-- MASONRY SECTION /partials/shortcodes/portfolio/standard.php -->
<div class="masonry-item portfolio-item <?php echo implode( ' ', $post->classes ); ?>" data-menu-order="<?php echo $post->menu_order; ?>" data-date="<?php echo get_the_date( 'c' ); ?>" data-title="<?php the_title(); ?>" data-comments="<?php echo $post->comment_count; ?>">
<?php echo oxy_complex_image( array(
'image' => get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ),
'size' => $item_size,
'title' => $title,
'alt' => get_the_title( $post->ID ),
'link' => oxy_get_slide_link( $post ),
'link_target' => $item_link_target,
'item_link_type' => $item_link_type,
'magnific_link' => $magnific_link,
'magnific_popup_caption' => $magnific_popup_caption,
'magnific_type' => $magnific_type,
'captions_below' => $item_captions_below,
'captions_below_link_type' => $captions_below_link_type,
'caption_title' => get_the_title( $post->ID ),
'caption_text' => get_the_excerpt(),
'caption_align' => $item_caption_align,
'hover_filter' => $item_hover_filter,
'hover_filter_invert' => $hover_filter_invert,
'overlay' => $item_overlay,
'button_text_zoom' => oxy_get_option( 'portfolio_button_text_zoom' ),
'button_text_details' => oxy_get_option( 'portfolio_button_text_details' ),
'overlay_caption_vertical' => $item_caption_vertical,
'overlay_animation' => $item_overlay_animation,
'overlay_grid' => $item_overlay_grid,
'overlay_icon' => $item_overlay_icon,
// global options
'margin_top' => 0,
'margin_bottom' => 0,
'scroll_animation' => $item_scroll_animation,
'portfolio_item' => true,
'scroll_animation_delay' => $item_scroll_animation_delay,
)); ?>
<div class="masonry-afc">
//echo $post->classes[0] . "<br>";
$catname = explode('-', $post->classes[0] ) ; // after filter get category name
//print_r( $catname) ;
echo strtoupper($catname[1]) . "<br>"; // all caps
<div class="masonry-time">
<img src="http://popbetaserver.com/projects/panamei/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/recipe_time.png"> <span><?php the_field('recipe_time') ; ?></span>
- Portfolio FIlters:
- Header page for the below title:
- Contains the title text at the top of each page: