Make transformation to a cKDTree object without rebuilding the tree.
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
transform = {0: lambda x: -x}
a = np.random.randn(1000, 2)
b = a.copy()
for k in transform:
b[:, k] = transform[k](b[:, k])
c = np.random.randn(1000, 2)
d = c.copy()
for k in fs:
d[:, k] = transform[k](d[:, k])
t0 = cKDTree(a)
t1 = transform_ckdtree(t0, transform)
t2 = cKDTree(b)
p0 = hstack(t0.query_ball_point(c, 1))
p1 = hstack(t1.query_ball_point(d, 1))
p2 = hstack(t2.query_ball_point(d, 1))
assert (p0 == p1).all()
assert (p0 == p2).all()
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
ckdtreenode_dtype = np.dtype([
('split_dim', np.intp),
('children', np.intp),
('split', np.float64),
('start_idx', np.intp),
('end_idx', np.intp),
('less', np.intp),
('greater', np.intp),
('_less', np.intp),
('_greater', np.intp)
def transform_ckdtree(tree, transform):
Make transformation to a cKDTree object without rebuilding the tree.
tree: cKDTree object
The original tree
transform: dict {axis: transform_function, ...}
The transform must be a monotonous mapping.
e.g., transform={0: lambda x:2-x, 1: lambda x:x-3} defines a reflection over 1 for the first axis
and a translation by 3 along the second axis.
The transformed tree.
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
transform = {0: lambda x: -x}
a = np.random.randn(1000, 2)
b = a.copy()
for k in transform:
b[:, k] = transform[k](b[:, k])
c = np.random.randn(1000, 2)
d = c.copy()
for k in transform:
d[:, k] = transform[k](d[:, k])
t0 = cKDTree(a)
t1 = transform_ckdtree(t0, transform)
t2 = cKDTree(b)
p0 = hstack(t0.query_ball_point(c, 1))
p1 = hstack(t1.query_ball_point(d, 1))
p2 = hstack(t2.query_ball_point(d, 1))
assert (p0 == p1).all()
assert (p0 == p2).all()
state = tree.__getstate__()
ctree_data, data, n, m, leafsize, max, min, indices, boxsize, boxsize_data = state
# The copies of ctree_data and data are returned, safe to write.
# Copy max, min for write.
max = max.copy()
min = min.copy()
if boxsize is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
ctree = np.frombuffer(bytearray(ctree_data), dtype=ckdtreenode_dtype)
for axis in transform:
func = transform[axis]
new_max, new_min = func(max[axis]), func(min[axis])
ix = ctree['split_dim'] == axis
ctree['split'][ix] = func(ctree['split'][ix])
data[:, axis] = func(data[:, axis])
if new_max >= new_min:
min[axis], max[axis] = new_min, new_max
min[axis], max[axis] = new_max, new_min
ctree['_less'][ix], ctree['_greater'][ix] = ctree['_greater'][ix], ctree['_less'][ix]
new_state = ctree.tobytes(), data, n, m, leafsize, max, min, indices, boxsize, boxsize_data
new_tree = cKDTree.__new__(cKDTree)
return new_tree