8/20/2015 - 3:15 PM

PHP: howto automatically create variables with the same name as key in POST array

PHP: howto automatically create variables with the same name as key in POST array

// One more cautios way of extracting all input fields at once is:
extract( $_POST, EXTR_OVERWRITE, "form_" );
// This way all your input variables will be called $form_foo and $form_bar at least.
// Avoid doing that in the global scope - not because global is evil, but because nobody ever cleans up there.
// http://goo.gl/3Q5RV
// Thanks to Sergej Müller @wpSEO

// you know this how you are doing:
// etc.

// This is how to initialize the whole Array
foreach($expected as $key){

// Thanks to http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/10-awesome-php-functions-and-snippets