Reporting space-wasting objects in Oracle Source
connect &your_account/&your_account_password
create table segment_space_stats
(owner varchar2(32),
segment_name varchar2(32),
segment_type varchar2(32),
tablespace_name varchar2(32),
segment_space_management varchar2(32),
unformatted_blocks number,
unformatted_bytes number,
fs1_blocks number,
fs1_bytes number,
fs2_blocks number,
fs2_bytes number,
fs3_blocks number,
fs3_bytes number,
fs4_blocks number,
fs4_bytes number,
full_blocks number,
full_bytes number,
total_blocks number,
total_bytes number,
unused_blocks number,
unused_bytes number,
last_used_extent_file_id number,
last_used_extent_block_id number,
last_used_block number,
timestamp date)
-- You may need to grant these to your_account.
-- connect sys as sysdba
-- grant select any tables, select any dictionary, analyze any to &your_account;
-- grant execute on dbms_space to &your_account;
-- connect &your_account/&your_account_password
index_does_not_exist EXCEPTION;
table_does_not_exist EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(index_does_not_exist, -1418);
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(table_does_not_exist, -942);
v_unformatted_blocks number;
v_unformatted_bytes number;
v_fs1_blocks number;
v_fs1_bytes number;
v_fs2_blocks number;
v_fs2_bytes number;
v_fs3_blocks number;
v_fs3_bytes number;
v_fs4_blocks number;
v_fs4_bytes number;
v_full_blocks number;
v_full_bytes number;
v_total_blocks number;
v_total_bytes number;
v_unused_blocks number;
v_unused_bytes number;
v_last_used_extent_file_id number;
v_last_used_extent_block_id number;
v_last_used_block number;
for s in (select owner, segment_name, replace(segment_type,'LOBSEGMENT','LOB') segment_type, seg.tablespace_name, segment_space_management
from dba_tablespaces ts, dba_segments seg
where ts.tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM', 'SYSAUX')
and ts.tablespace_name = seg.tablespace_name
and segment_type in ('TABLE','INDEX','CLUSTER','LOB','LOBSEGMENT'))
if s.segment_space_management = 'AUTO' then
dbms_space.space_usage(s.owner, s.segment_name, s.segment_type, v_unformatted_blocks, v_unformatted_bytes,
v_fs1_blocks, v_fs1_bytes, v_fs2_blocks, v_fs2_bytes , v_fs3_blocks, v_fs3_bytes ,
v_fs4_blocks, v_fs4_bytes , v_full_blocks, v_full_bytes , NULL);
end if;
dbms_space.unused_space(s.owner, s.segment_name, s.segment_type, v_total_blocks, v_total_bytes,
v_unused_blocks, v_unused_bytes, v_last_used_extent_file_id,
v_last_used_extent_block_id, v_last_used_block, NULL);
merge into segment_space_stats r
using (select s.owner as owner, s.segment_name as segment_name, s.segment_type as segment_type from dual) t
on (r.owner = t.owner and r.segment_name = t.segment_name and r.segment_type = t.segment_type)
when matched then update
set r.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name, r.unformatted_blocks = v_unformatted_blocks,
r.unformatted_bytes = v_unformatted_bytes, r.fs1_blocks = v_fs1_blocks, r.fs1_bytes = v_fs1_bytes,
r.fs2_blocks = v_fs2_blocks, r.fs2_bytes = v_fs2_bytes, r.fs3_blocks = v_fs3_blocks,
r.fs3_bytes = v_fs3_bytes, r.fs4_blocks = v_fs4_blocks, r.fs4_bytes = v_fs4_bytes,
r.full_blocks = v_full_blocks, r.full_bytes = v_full_bytes, r.total_blocks = v_total_blocks,
r.total_bytes = v_total_bytes, r.unused_blocks = v_unused_blocks, r.unused_bytes = v_unused_bytes,
r.last_used_extent_file_id = v_last_used_extent_file_id, r.last_used_extent_block_id =v_last_used_extent_block_id,
r.last_used_block = v_last_used_block, r.timestamp = sysdate
when not matched then insert
values (s.owner, s.segment_name, s.segment_type, s.tablespace_name, s.segment_space_management,v_unformatted_blocks,
v_unformatted_bytes, v_fs1_blocks, v_fs1_bytes, v_fs2_blocks, v_fs2_bytes, v_fs3_blocks, v_fs3_bytes,
v_fs4_blocks, v_fs4_bytes, v_full_blocks, v_full_bytes, v_total_blocks, v_total_bytes,
v_unused_blocks, v_unused_bytes, v_last_used_extent_file_id, v_last_used_extent_block_id,
when index_does_not_exist then
null; -- ignore these errors
when table_does_not_exist then
null; -- ignore these errors
when others then
end loop;
delete segment_space_stats where (owner, segment_name, segment_type, tablespace_name) not in
(select owner, segment_name, replace(segment_type,'LOBSEGMENT','LOB'), tablespace_name from dba_segments
where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM', 'SYSAUX')
and segment_type in ('TABLE','INDEX','CLUSTER','LOB','LOBSEGMENT'));
TTITLE center underline "Top Ten Largest Space Wasters"
set linesize 140 pagesize 20
col owner for a20
col segment_type for a12
col total_MB for 999999
col unformatted_MB for 999999
col unused_MB for 999999
col pct_unused for 999 heading "Pct Unused"
col estmtd_pssbl_svngs for 99999 heading "Estimated|Possible Savings|w Index Rebuild"
clear breaks
clear computes
break on report dup
compute sum of total_MB on report
compute sum of unused_MB on report
select a.*
from (
select owner, segment_name, segment_type,
total_bytes/1048576 total_MB,
unformatted_bytes/1048576 unformatted_MB,
unused_bytes/1048576 unused_MB,
trunc(unused_bytes / total_bytes * 100) pct_unused,
case when segment_type = 'INDEX' and total_blocks >= 256 and fs2_blocks >= 64
then unused_blocks + fs2_blocks
else 0
end * b.block_size/1048576 estmtd_pssbl_svngs
from segment_space_stats a, dba_tablespaces b
where unused_bytes <> 0
and a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name
order by unused_bytes desc) a
where rownum<11
TTITLE center underline "Top Ten Indexes with non-full blocks"
clear breaks
clear computes
set linesize 145 pagesize 100
col owner for a20
col fs1_blocks for 9999999 heading "< 25%|blocks free"
col fs2_blocks for 9999999 heading "25-50%|blocks free"
col fs3_blocks for 9999999 heading "50-75%|blocks free"
col fs4_blocks for 9999999 heading "75-100%|blocks free"
col full_blocks for 9999999 heading "blocks|full"
col total_blocks for 9999999 heading "total|blocks"
col estmtd_pssbl_svngs for 99999 heading "Estimated|Possible Savings|w Index Rebuild"
col block_size noprint
break on report dup
compute sum of estmtd_pssbl_svngs on report
select a.*
from (
select owner, segment_name,
fs1_blocks ,
fs2_blocks ,
fs3_blocks ,
fs4_blocks ,
full_blocks, total_blocks,
case when segment_type = 'INDEX' and total_blocks >= 256 and fs2_blocks >= 64
then unused_blocks + fs2_blocks
else 0
end * b.block_size/1048576 estmtd_pssbl_svngs,
from segment_space_stats a, dba_tablespaces b
where segment_type = 'INDEX'
and a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name
order by fs4_blocks desc, fs3_blocks desc, fs2_blocks desc, fs1_blocks desc) a
where rownum<11
TTITLE center underline "Top Ten Largest Empty Segments"
set linesize 140 pagesize 100
col owner for a20
col total_MB for 999999
clear breaks
clear computes
break on report dup
compute sum of total_MB on report
select a.*
from (select owner, segment_name, segment_type, tablespace_name, total_bytes/1048576 total_MB
from segment_space_stats
where full_bytes = 0
order by total_bytes desc) a
where rownum<11