shows how to wait for stuff in InDesign
function main(){
var ph= 200;// page heigt
var pw = 200;// page width
var doc = app.documents.add({/*make a doc*/
app.activeWindow.screenMode = ScreenModeOptions.PRESENTATION_PREVIEW; // go to prsent mode
var sentences =["This is the first sentence","This is the second","This is the third"];// this is our content
var page = doc.pages[0]; // this is the page
lets make a textframe that will hold our content
when InDesign is running a script it seems impossilbe to
show the content of a textframe. Thats why we need a workaround.
We do as follows:
- create a textframe
- add the content
- style the text
- create a background that hides the frame
- create outlines from the text without removing the original
createOutlines(FALSE == dont remove original)
- than we bring that polygon to the front
so the textframe stays hidden but the outlines show
after 3 seconds we:
- remove the polygon
- add new content the the textframe
- createOutlines without deleting tf
- move them to the front
- show them
and so on...
var tf = page.textFrames.add({
geometricBounds:[ph/2 - 25,12.7,ph/2+25,pw - 12.7],
contents: sentences[0],
verticalJustification: VerticalJustification.CENTER_ALIGN
var firstPar = tf.paragraphs.item(0); // get the first paragraph
// set some properties = {
pointSize: 10,
justification : Justification.CENTER_ALIGN,
hyphenation : false,
scale_till_overflow(firstPar); // scale it up. This is styling only
var poly = tf.createOutlines(false); // if true the original gets deleted returns an Array
cretaOutlines returns an array of polygons
the first one is the one we need
poly[0].strokeWeight = 0; // give him no stroke
add bg to hide tf
everything gets stacked in the doc
so bg created after tf will hide tf
var background_rect = page.rectangles.add({
poly[0].bringToFront(); // bring the polygon to the front
delay(3); // wait
alert("I waited 3 seconds");// warn
poly[0].remove();// remove polygon
tf.contents = sentences[1]; // now set the content of tf again
scale_till_overflow(tf.paragraphs.item(0));// style it again
poly = tf.createOutlines(false);// and make outlines again
poly[0].bringToFront();// bring it to the front
delay(5);// wait
alert("Now I waited 5 seconds");// warn
poly[0].remove();// delete the second polygon we created
tf.contents = sentences[2];// set the text
scale_till_overflow(tf.paragraphs.item(0));// style
poly = tf.createOutlines(false);// and for the last time make a polygon
poly[0].bringToFront(); // show it
delay(1);// wait
alert("Now I waited 1 seconds. bye bye");// warn
poly[0].remove();// remove it
app.activeWindow.screenMode = ScreenModeOptions.PREVIEW_OFF ;// we are done
// done
};// end of main
function scale_till_overflow(par){
var ptsz = par.pointSize; // get the actual pointsize
// a while loop
// if the tf is not overlflowing scale up
while(par.parent.overflows == false){
par.pointSize = ptsz;
// now he has overflow so scale down again until the overflow is gon
while(par.parent.overflows == true){
par.pointSize = ptsz;
// delay function
// found here
function delay(prmSec){
prmSec *= 1000;
var eDate = null;
var eMsec = 0;
var sDate = new Date();
var sMsec = sDate.getTime();
do {
eDate = new Date();
eMsec = eDate.getTime();
} while ((eMsec-sMsec)<prmSec);