12/14/2019 - 12:08 AM

Setup Knex with Node.js

Setup Knex with Node.js

Knex Setup Guide

Create your project directory

Create and initialize your a directory for your Express application.

$ mkdir node-knex-demo
$ cd node-knex-demo
$ npm init


Knex is a SQL query builder, mainly used for Node.js applications with built in model schema creation, table migrations, connection pooling and seeding.

Install Knex and Knex Command Line Tool

Install knex globally on your local computer.

$ npm install knex -g

This will allow us to use knex as a command line tool that helps you create and manage your knex files.

In addition, you will need to also install the knex module locally to use in your project.

$ npm install knex --save

Configuring your database

For our example, we're going to be connecting to a PostgreSQL database, we'll need to install the pg module.

$ npm install pg --save

We can start by creating a knexfile.js in the root of your project which will act as our configuration for different environments, (e.g. – local development vs production).

$ knex init

This will create a knexfile.js with the different configurations for the different environments.

Generated output knexfile.js.

module.exports = {
  development: {
    client: 'sqlite3',
    connection: {
      filename: './dev.sqlite3'
  staging: {
    client: 'postgresql',
    connection: {
      database: 'my_db',
      user:     'username',
      password: 'password'
    pool: {
      min: 2,
      max: 10
    migrations: {
      tableName: 'knex_migrations'
  production: {
    client: 'postgresql',
    connection: {
      database: 'my_db',
      user:     'username',
      password: 'password'
    pool: {
      min: 2,
      max: 10
    migrations: {
      tableName: 'knex_migrations'

Edit your development settings in knexfile.js to point to your postgres database, using your db username and password. DON'T FORGET TO CREATE YOUR DATABASE LOCALLY!

Example development config object

  development: {
    client: 'pg',
    connection: {
      host : '',
      user : '[db_username]',
      password : '[db_password]',
      database : '[db_name]',
      charset: 'utf8'
    migrations: {
      directory: __dirname + '/knex/migrations',
    seeds: {
      directory: __dirname + '/knex/seeds'

We want to create a knex directory at the root of our project to hold our migrations and seeds scripts. Inside of the knex directory, we need a knex.js file to hold the single instance of the knex module with the correct environment config.

$ mkdir knex
$ mkdir knex/migrations
$ mkdir knex/seeds
$ touch knex/knex.js

At this point, our project structure should look like this:

├── knex
│   └── migrations
│   └── seeds
│   └── knex.js
└── knexfile.js
└── package.json

For more information on migrations and seeds with knex, checkout the knex migrations and seeds guide.

Example knex.js

const environment = process.env.ENVIRONMENT || 'development'
const config = require('../knexfile.js')[environment];
module.exports = require('knex')(config);

Create your Express application

$ npm install express --save

Now let's create a server.js file in the root of your project. Create your express application how you normally would, for this example the server listening on port 3001. Let's also create a super basic GET endpoint to query our db.

const express = require('express');
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3001;
const knex = require('./knex/knex.js');
const app = express();

app.get('/tasks', (req, res) => {
  // use the knex variable above to create dynamic queries

app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Listening on port: ${PORT}`);

Start the server:

$ node server.js