* Listing_Image is a sample class for demonstrating the PDO::FETCH_CLASS method, like a boss.
* Example usage:
* $img = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "Listing_Image");
* echo $img->get_image_tag();
* @package Zeal Technologies CMS
* @category modules
* @subpackage listings
* @author Shawn Crigger <ithippyshawn@gmail.com>
* @version 1.0.0
* @access public
* @copyright Knotti Webs
* @see
class Listing_Image
public $id;
public $filename;
public $listing_id;
public $active;
public $thumb;
protected $_dir;
protected $_url;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function __construct()
if ( ! function_exists( 'site_url' ) OR ! function_exists( 'site_dir' ) )
new CMS_Error( 400, '<strong>site_url()</strong> or <strong>site_dir()</strong> does not exist.');
cms_die( $error );
$this->set_path( '/uploads/listings/' )->_set_thumb();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sets the URL and PATH to the images, automagically adds the site_url and site_dir to the path variable.
* @uses site_url();
* @uses site_dir();
* @param string $path Relative path from the site_url to the images folder.
public function set_path( $path )
$this->_dir = site_dir ( $path );
$this->_url = site_url ( $path );
return $this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sets the thumbnail property.
* @access protected
* @return Listing_Image
protected function _set_thumb()
// listing id, used to build the thumb filename
$search = (int) $this->listing_id . '_';
$replace = $search . 'thumb_';
$this->thumb = str_replace( $search, $replace, $this->filename );
if ( file_exists( trailingslashit( $this->_dir ) . $this->thumb ) )
return $this;
ChromePhp::log( $this->_dir . $this->thumb . ' does not exist.');
$this->thumb = $this->filename;
return $this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns Image tag or thumbnail tag.
* @param string $size 'big' for fullsize
* @return string
public function get_image_tag( $size = 'big' )
$key = ( 'big' === $size ) ? 'filename' : 'thumb';
$file = trailingslashit( $this->_url ) . $this->{$key};
if ( 'big' === $size )
return '<img id="'.$this->filename.'" src="'. $file .'">';
return '<div><a class="thumb" href="#'.$this->filename.'"><img src="'. $file .'"></a></div>';