4/9/2015 - 9:29 AM

Ubuntu: Enable Piwik for LimeSurvey #LimeSurvey

Ubuntu: Enable Piwik for LimeSurvey #LimeSurvey


Piwik is an Open Source webanalytics software. In this tutorial you'll learn how to integrate the Piwiks plugin for LimeSurvey.

# Requirements


Navigate to the LimeSurvey plugin directory.

cd /var/www/<limesurvey>/plugin

Clone the Piwik LimeSurvey plugin.

sudo git clone https://github.com/SteveCohen/Piwik-for-Limesurvey.git PiwikPlugin

Copy the scripts from the sub folder in to the main plugin folder.

cd PiwikPlugin/
sudo mv ./PiwikPlugin/* ./
sudo rm -R PiwikPlugin

Add access rights for the webserver user.

sudo chown www-data:www-data -R ./*

Open your Piwik website //<piwik host>/index.php?module=SitesManager and optionally add a new site.

Copy the ID of the site where you want to store your LimeSurvey tracking data.

Open the LimeSurvey plugin manager //<limesurvey host>/index.php?r=plugins and click the settings icon of the Piwik for Limesurvey plugin.

Update the URL to Piwik's directory field with the url of your piwik installation //<piwik host>.

Add the ID of the Piwik site to the Piwik SiteId field.

Save the settings and enable the plugin.

Whenever a user access one of your suveys their actions are tracked with Piwik.