11/4/2015 - 3:26 PM

Zenoss Core

Zenoss Core

Zenoss Core

  • Zpracování dat z Nagios pluginů
  • Stromová struktura konfigurace s dědičností
  • Rychlý systém pro správu událostí - Event Console
  • Závislosti mezi událostmi
  • L3 - na základě routovacích tabulek
  • Vlastní - pomocí scriptu
  • Agentless - moderní způsob sběru dat bez lokálních agentů na sledovaných zařízeních
  • Pomocí SNMP extend nebo SSH lze monitorovat cokoliv
  • Autodetekce změn v síti
  • Autokonfigurace zařízení - např. Cisco, Linux, Windows
  • Automatický monitoring otevřených portů
  • Monitoring procesů pomocí regulárních výrazů
  • Sběr logů - Syslog a Winlog
  • Sběr SNMP trapů
  • Decentrální kolektory pro sběr dat v jiné lokalitě
  • SNMP v3
  • Uživatelské role
  • Pokročilá notifikace uživatele
  • Android klient
  • Podpora IPv6
  • Kvalitní API i pro události
  • WMI protokol pro monitoring Windows
  • Měření SLA
  • Reporty s exportem do CSV
  • Multi graf - spojení několik grafů do jednoho
  • Inventář hardwaru a softwaru
  • Správce lokalit - Google mapa
  • Velká OSS komunita

ZenPack Catalog

Java Management Extensions (JMX)

Microsoft Products

  • Microsoft IIS
  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Cluster Services
  • Microsoft Windows Server

Monitoring is performed using the Windows Remote Management (WinRM) and Windows Remote Shell (WinRS) to collect Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Perfmon data.

Novinky v Zenoss Core 5

  • Zenoss Core is now installed and managed from Control Center. The Control Center is built on Docker, an open-source platform that uses virtual containers to simplify the packaging, installation and management of applications. Control Center provides both a web-based user interface and the serviced command line option. For more information, refer to the Control Center online help.
  • Zenoss Core daemons now run within individual, virtual Docker containers. Containers are light-weight operating environments that contain everything required for an application to run.
  • Zenoss Core daemons can now run on any host in resource pool. They are no longer anchored to a specific host.
  • Performance metrics are now stored in OpenTSDB and HBase instead of RRD Files.
  • Log files are now collected by Logstash and stored in an ElasticSearch database for improved viewing and searching.
  • OpenJDK replaces Oracle JRE.
  • Backup and restore is now performed across the entire application. In previous versions, backups could only be run on the master server or a specific collector.
  • Graphs are now dynamically rendered using a JavaScript library (NVD3.js)

Zenoss 5 Performance Data System

The back end of the Zenoss 5 performance data system is a robust Big Data architecture featuring Redis, Hadoop HBase and OpenTSDB. Utilizing Big Data allows Zenoss users to deploy inexpensive commodity hardware to scale horizontally, rather than utilizing expensive SSD storage.

Zenoss 5 Highly Available Design