7/10/2014 - 10:16 PM

Langsame Bilderstellung dank IM

Langsame Bilderstellung dank IM

# after typo3 4.2 > 4.5 update backend loads on some page very slow (or newer) -- after activating firebug i learned thumbs.php doesn't load.
# next step was imagemagick via install tool > image processing, same very slow. finally i found an older posting which recommends to 
# disable im_useStripProfileByDefault at localconf.php

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['im_useStripProfileByDefault'] = '0'; 

# tt_news && cache, always a pain for editors
# enable cache reset for editors at user ts config
options.clearCache.pages=1  # allow be user to clear cache of a page
options.clearCache.all=1 # allow be user to clear fe cache
# at page ts config of tt_news storage folder
TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd=1,2,3,4 # {PID} of the pages, where tt_news are displayed

# if you wanna have an accordion, you'll probably need to wrap the text below a header with a common div. try something like this: 
tt_content.text.20.wrap = <div class="csc-body">|</div>
tt_content.textpic.wrap = <div class="csc-body">|</div>
tt_content.textpic.10.10.3.dataWrap = </div><div class="csc-header csc-header-h3 csc-header-n{cObj:parentRecordNumber}">|</div><div class="csc-body">