Open Refine cluster and edit Json translation to R code
#! python3
import json
import sys
import os
#prend en entrée un Json de "cluster and edit" et renvoye du code R
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("USAGE: ./utils/ [edits.json] > r_file.R")
json_file = sys.argv[-1]
#conversions = json.load(open(“state_clustering.json”))
conversions = json.load(open(json_file))
function_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(json_file))[0]
print("%s = function(df) {") %function_name
for conv in conversions:
edits = conv['edits']
columnName = str(conv['columnName'])
for edit in edits:
froms = edit['from']
to = edit['to']
for source in froms:
source = str(source)
to = str(to)
print(" df[df[, %s] == %s, %s] = %s") %(repr(columnName),
repr(source), repr(columnName), repr(to))
print(" df")