RF interview followup
hash-based algo: 10 took 0.614 ms
dummy n^2 algo: 10 took 0.057 ms
simple n^3 algo: 10 took 0.565 ms
values matched!
hash-based algo: 100 took 0.126 ms
dummy n^2 algo: 100 took 2.806 ms
simple n^3 algo: 100 took 490.489 ms
values matched!
hash-based algo: 200 took 0.139 ms
dummy n^2 algo: 200 took 12.799 ms
simple n^3 algo: 200 took 4,339.552 ms
values matched!
hash-based algo: 300 took 0.228 ms
dummy n^2 algo: 300 took 35.685 ms
simple n^3 algo: 300 took 15,139.607 ms
values matched!
hash-based algo: 1000 took 0.345 ms
dummy n^2 algo: 1000 took 378.190 ms
skipping simple n^3 algo - takes too long
hash-based algo: 10000 took 2.415 ms
dummy n^2 algo: 10000 took 35,642.271 ms
skipping simple n^3 algo - takes too long
$series_sizes = [10, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 10000];
//$series_sizes = [10, 100];
$range_max = 3;
foreach ($series_sizes as $series_size)
$series_arr[$series_size] = generate_series($series_size, $range_max * -1, $range_max);
foreach ($series_arr as $series_size => $series)
$sets_simple = [];
$sets_hash = [];
$start = microtime(true);
$sets_hash = hash_algo($series);
$elapsed = (microtime(true) - $start) * 1000;
$elapsed_formated = number_format($elapsed, 3);
echo "hash-based algo: $series_size took $elapsed_formated ms\n";
$start = microtime(true);
$sets_dummy = dummyn2($series);
$elapsed = (microtime(true) - $start) * 1000;
$elapsed_formated = number_format($elapsed, 3);
echo "dummy n^2 algo: $series_size took $elapsed_formated ms\n";
if ($series_size < 1000)
$start = microtime(true);
$sets_simple = simple($series);
$elapsed = (microtime(true) - $start) * 1000;
$elapsed_formated = number_format($elapsed, 3);
echo "simple n^3 algo: $series_size took $elapsed_formated ms\n";
echo "\nvalues ";
echo (serialize($sets_hash) == serialize($sets_simple)) ? "matched!\n" : "do not match!!\n";
echo "skipping simple n^3 algo - takes too long\n";
function hash_algo($series)
$value_hash = [];
$valid = [];
foreach ($series as $offset => $value)
if (!is_array($value_hash[$value])) $value_hash[$value] = [];
$value_hash[$value][] = $offset;
foreach ($value_hash as $value_1 => $offsets_1)
foreach ($value_hash as $value_2 => $offsets_2)
if ($value_2 < $value_1) continue; // we did it already..
$match_value = ($value_1 + $value_2) * -1;
if (isset($value_hash[$match_value]) // we have value that will fill it
&& ($value_1 || $value_2 || $match_value)) // skip all zeros
// todo - could have check if there is enough if reusing (eg. -1, -1 => 2 ; using -1 twice)
// but for most series >10, always true.. ignoring
$valid = add_valid_set($value_1, $value_2, $match_value, $valid);
return $valid;
function simple($series)
$valid = [];
foreach ($series as $value_1)
foreach ($series as $value_2)
foreach ($series as $value_3)
if ($value_1 + $value_2 + $value_3 === 0 && ($value_1 || $value_2 || $value_3))
$valid = add_valid_set($value_1, $value_2, $value_3, $valid);
return $valid;
function dummyn2($series)
$valid = [];
foreach ($series as $value_1)
foreach ($series as $value_2)
$value_3 = $value_2;
if ($value_1 + $value_2 + $value_3 === 0 && ($value_1 || $value_2 || $value_3))
$valid = add_valid_set($value_1, $value_2, $value_3, $valid);
return $valid;
* @param $value_1
* @param $value_2
* @param $value_3
* @param $valid
* @return mixed
function add_valid_set($value_1, $value_2, $value_3, $valid)
$set = [$value_1, $value_2, $value_3];
// this is to deduplicate - keep memory down on larger sets
if (!is_array($valid[$set[0]])) $valid[$set[0]] = [];
$valid[$set[0]][$set[1]] = $set[2];
// normalize the sets - helps for comparing results of different algorithms
return $valid;
function generate_series($count, $min = -3, $max = 3)
$series = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$series[] = rand($min, $max);
return $series;