2/3/2013 - 6:04 PM

Web server controlled LED on Arduino using johnny-five and the dev version of NARF( ) , Five m

Web server controlled LED on Arduino using johnny-five and the dev version of NARF( ) , Five minute hack. LED is placed on pin 13.Once you get LED_Server running, the client at index.html can control the LED on your Arduino , you will have to change the GET urls in index.html if you are using it on a device other than the server.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
		<title>LED Controller</title>


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			button.btn-success {
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		    function httpGet( theUrl ){
			    var xmlHttp = null;
			    xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'GET', theUrl, false );
			    xmlHttp.send( null );

			    return xmlHttp.responseText;

		<button class="btn btn-success" onclick="httpGet('http://localhost:8080/?serverfunction=ledSwitch&value=1')" >On</button>
		<button class="btn btn-danger" onclick="httpGet('http://localhost:8080/?serverfunction=ledSwitch&value=0')" >Off</button>
var five = require( 'johnny-five' ),
    narf = require( 'narf' );
board = new five.Board();
  Executes a command and fires event when done that
  will return the command output

// The board's pins will not be accessible until
// the board has reported that it is ready
board.on("ready", function() {
  var val = 0;
  // Set pin 13 to OUTPUT mode
  this.pinMode( 13, 1 );
  // Mode Table
  // INPUT:   0
  // OUTPUT:  1
  // ANALOG:  2
  // PWM:     3
  // SERVO:   4
 this.digitalWrite( 13, 0 );
	/* Api functions */
	var self = this;
	var APIFunctions = {
		GET : {
			ledSwitch : function ( data, callback ){
				data.url.value = parseInt( data.url.value, 0 );
				if( data.url.value === 1 || data.url.value === 0){
					self.digitalWrite( 13, data.url.value );
				callback( data.url.value );
		POST : {}
	console.log( narf );
	var hs = new narf.HttpServer( { port : 8080 } ).start();
	hs.on( 'port', function( port ){
		hs.addAPI( { functions : APIFunctions } );
	} );

narf.setDebug( false );

narf.pageServer( {

    port : 8079,
    path :  __dirname + '/'
} );