7/26/2019 - 2:48 PM

Regex Matching Via Format Locator

Use KTM Format Locator / Regex Flavor to perform string matching. This is useful when wanting to match how KTM performs regex searches within format locators.

Public Function IsRegexMatch(ByVal strRegex As String, ByVal strTest As String, ByVal bWholeWord As Boolean, ByVal bIgnoreCase As Boolean, ByVal bIgnoreBlanks As Boolean) As Boolean
   OutputDebugString "Scansation.IsRegexMatch"
   OutputDebugString "Scansation.strRegex: " & CStr(strRegex)
   OutputDebugString "Scansation.strTest: " & CStr(strTest)
   OutputDebugString "Scansation.bWholeWord: " & CStr(bWholeWord)
   OutputDebugString "Scansation.bIgnoreCase: " & CStr(bIgnoreCase)
   OutputDebugString "Scansation.bIgnoreBlanks: " & CStr(bIgnoreBlanks)

   Dim fd As CscRegExpLib.CscFormatDefinition
   Dim floc As New CscRegExpLib.CscFormatLocator
   Dim strResult As String

   ' This Function uses the Ktm format locator / regex flavour to perform regex matching
   ' Usage: IsRegexMatch(strPattern, oLine.Text)

   On Error GoTo Error_Handler

   Set fd=floc.FormatDefinitions.Add(strRegex)
   fd.WholeWord = bWholeWord
   fd.IgnoreCase = bIgnoreCase
   fd.IgnoreBlanks = bIgnoreBlanks

   strResult = floc.TestString(strTest)
   If strResult <> "" Then
      IsRegexMatch = True
      IsRegexMatch = False
   End If

   OutputDebugString "Scansation.IsRegexMatch: " & CStr(IsRegexMatch)

Exit Function
   IsRegexMatch = False
End Function