10/2/2014 - 6:15 AM

Interactive RPC Hadoop startup process

Interactive RPC Hadoop startup process

The NameNode request to the NameNode getProtocolVersion()

The DataNode request to the NameNode getProtocolVersion()
The DataNode request to the NameNode versionRequest()
DataNode send NameNode register()
DataNode send NameNode sendHeartbeat()
DataNode send NameNode blockReport()

The JobTracker request to the NameNode getProtocolVersion()
The TaskTracker request to the JobTracker getProtocolVersion()

DataNode send NameNode sendHeartbeat()...

The JobTracker request to the NameNode getFileInfo(/mapred/system),getListing()And (delete)... (HDFS still protected mode so repeated requests to remove)
The JobTracker request to the NameNode mkdirs(/mapred/system, rwxr-xr-x)
The JobTracker request to the NameNode setPermission(/mapred/system, rwx------)
The JobTracker request to the NameNode getFileInfo(/mapred/system/jobtracker.info)
The JobTracker request to the NameNode getFileInfo(/mapred/system/jobtracker.info.recover)
The JobTracker request to the NameNode create(/mapred/system/jobtracker.info, rwxr-xr-x)
The JobTracker request to the NameNode setPermission(/mapred/system/jobtracker.info, rwx------)
The JobTracker request to the NameNode addBlock(/mapred/system/jobtracker.info)
The JobTracker request to the NameNode renewLease()
The JobTracker request to the NameNode complete(/mapred/system/jobtracker.info)

DataNode send NameNode blockReceived()

The TaskTracker request to the JobTracker getBuildVersion()
The TaskTracker request to the JobTracker getSystemDir()
The TaskTracker request to the NameNode getProtocolVersion()

DataNode send NameNode sendHeartbeat()...
TaskTracker send JobTracker heartbeat()...