10/9/2018 - 10:13 AM

How to install Dia on OSX (and have it run)

How to install Dia on OSX (and have it run)

brew cask install dia

After his it won't run because DISPLAY=:0 env var is not set

vim /Applications/Dia.app/Contents/Resources/bin/dia

Add the following content to line 40 (right before the oascript call)

# Ref: http://navkirats.blogspot.de/2014/10/dia-diagram-mac-osx-yosemite-fix-i-use.html
versionOSX=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F '.' '{print $(NF-1)}')
[[ ${versionOSX} -ge 10 ]] && export DISPLAY=:0