How to get Process[Task, A] from user monad operations.
sealed trait DbOp[A] extends Product with Serializable
object DbOp {
final case class Select[A, T <: Table](
table: T,
column: T#Field[A],
condition: Clause)
extends DbOp[Process[Task, A]]
If we have this, we can't do subsequent DB operations for the elements inside a stream.
for {
rs <-
schema.Topic.state, === selector.resolution)
//rs => Process[Task, A]
//But this `for sequence is for DBCastOp.` we cant do the below
//operation for Process :(
//It will report this issue.
// found : scalaz.concurrent.Task[Nothing]
//[error] required: tortuga.Free[orion.dbcastop.DBCastOp,?]
optState <- rs.runLast
//What we can do is . but that's not what we want.
pair = optState match { ... }
what is the right solution?
1. Instead of our DB retruns DbOp[Process[Task, A]] we return DB[Vector[A]]? but we don't want to
hold up memory for this?
2. we don't want to deal with ALl complex operations done in orion.