10/13/2014 - 4:45 PM

Replace default sidebars with custom sidebars

Replace default sidebars with custom sidebars

 * Swap Sidebars to be shown on WooCommerce Screens
add_action( 'get_header', 'mw_swap_woocommerce_sidebars' );
function mw_swap_woocommerce_sidebars() {

  if ( is_woocommerce() ) {

    // Remove the Primary Sidebar from the Primary Sidebar area.
    remove_action( 'genesis_sidebar', 'genesis_do_sidebar' );

    // Place the Primary Sidebar into the Secondary Sidebar area.
    add_action( 'genesis_sidebar', 'mw_do_shop_sidebar' );



function mw_do_shop_sidebar()
  genesis_widget_area( 'store-primary-sidebar' );