8/6/2019 - 2:27 PM

Atom + VS Code Keymap

Atom + VS Code Keymap

// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
        "key": "cmd+/",
        "command": "editor.action.commentLine",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
        "key": "shift+cmd+/",
        "command": "workbench.action.tasks.test",
        "when": "editorTextFocus"
        "key": "shift+cmd+up",
        "command": "editor.action.insertCursorAbove",
        "when": "editorTextFocus"
        "key": "shift+cmd+down",
        "command": "editor.action.insertCursorBelow",
        "when": "editorTextFocus"
        "key": "shift+alt+f",
        "command": "editor.action.formatDocument",
        "when": "editorHasDocumentFormattingProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
        "key": "shift+alt+down",
        "command": "editor.action.copyLinesDownAction",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
        "key": "shift+alt+up",
        "command": "editor.action.copyLinesUpAction",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
# Your keymap
# Atom keymaps work similarly to style sheets. Just as style sheets use
# selectors to apply styles to elements, Atom keymaps use selectors to associate
# keystrokes with events in specific contexts. Unlike style sheets however,
# each selector can only be declared once.
# You can create a new keybinding in this file by typing "key" and then hitting
# tab.
# Here's an example taken from Atom's built-in keymap:
# 'atom-text-editor':
#   'enter': 'editor:newline'
# 'atom-workspace':
#   'ctrl-shift-p': 'core:move-up'
#   'ctrl-p': 'core:move-down'
# You can find more information about keymaps in these guides:
# *
# *
# If you're having trouble with your keybindings not working, try the
# Keybinding Resolver: `Cmd+.` on macOS and `Ctrl+.` on other platforms. See the
# Debugging Guide for more information:
# *
# This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON).
# If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the
# Atom Flight Manual:

  'alt-down': 'editor:move-line-down'
  'alt-up': 'editor:move-line-up'
  'shift-alt-f': 'atom-beautify:beautify-editor'
  'shift-alt-down': 'editor:duplicate-lines'
  'shift-cmd-down': 'editor:add-selection-below'
  'shift-cmd-up': 'editor:add-selection-above'
  'shift-ctrl-down': 'editor:add-selection-below'
  'shift-ctrl-up': 'editor:add-selection-above'