1/15/2019 - 5:23 PM

Symptoms of a well functioning high-perfoming agile teams

Symptoms of a well functioning high-perfoming agile teams


  • They start their daily standups on time.
  • They tend to laugh a lot and have fun.
  • Everybody in the team gets to express themselves.
  • They correct and edit each other when they go off track.
  • They try out new things with appetite. But they are quite willing to admit those things didn’t succeed.
  • They encourage each other to leave on time.
  • They talk about how “we built” or “we failed”, rather than “I built“ or “I failed”
  • They have lunch together, or some other time within work hours where they talk about other things than work.
  • They welcome more junior members of the team, and enjoy mentoring them.
  • They have inside jokes.
  • They share responsibility for communicating with outside stakeholders.
  • They don’t agree on everything.
  • They debate between short term benefits and long term strategy. They reach compromises.
  • They question each other on topics like accessibility and inclusivity in design and development.
  • When they finish a task, they check if they can help someone else finish theirs.
  • There’s room in good teams for extroverts and introverts. And those in between. Team members are aware of their needs and communicate those to others.
  • They ask “why” a lot
  • They discuss the users of their products every day, and the user experience is viewed as everyone’s responsibility
  • Testers and designers are included in discussions of estimations and backlog refining
  • They respect agreed decision making structures, but argue their points
  • The people are not too similar to one another. They think about problems from different angles.
  • If someone on the team is ill, the others figure out how to get by without that person.
  • They don’t interrupt each other. They take equal turns in speaking.
  • They are not all equally skilled at everything. But they try to work on things where they can learn.
  • Senior team members ask for advice and feedback from more junior team members.
  • When someone has an idea, other team members build on it and add to it