Script for AlfredApp to create a new project. Pulls in my boilerplate, curls latest scripts, sets up rvm, sets up git, create initial commit, add the remote repo and fix auth issue.
# @Auth Benjamin Charity -
# Add this script to AlfredApp.
# If you set the trigger word to 'create' then you would
# open alfred and type 'create foobar'. When you hit enter
# this script will run and a new project will be created
# in the location specified.
# Then, on Github, create a repo with the exact same name
# that you typed in the initial command. The project will
# already be set up to push to this repo.
# Where so you want the project to be created?
cd ~/dropbox/freelance/projects/
# Create a new folder using the name that was typed.
mkdir {query}
# Clone my boilerplate into this new directory.
git clone {query}
# Move into the project folder
cd {query}
# Create an rvmrc using the new project name
rvm --rvmrc --create 1.9.3@{query}
# Use the new gemset
rvm gemset use {query}
# Confirm the rvmrc
# Run bundle
# Update jQuery
curl > source/js/jquery.js
# Update Modernizr
curl > source/js/modernizr.js
# Update Sugar [note: this link is not dynamic so it will need to be manually updated]
curl > source/js/sugar.js
# Update reset.scss
curl > source/css/_reset.scss
# Initialize git
git init
# Remove the boilerplate remote repo
git remote rm origin
# Add the git repo
git remote add origin{query}.git
# Fix github auth issues
git config remote.origin.url{query}.git
# Make sure git is tracking all of the new files
git add .
# Make the initial commit
git commit -am "initial commit"
# Open the project with Macvim
# Textmate users should be able to substitute 'mate .'
mvim .