5/17/2012 - 10:00 AM



 * The company custom Repository holds
 * convenience methods for generating
 * common formulae using data in the database
 * <code>
 *  $em->getCompanyById($id)->getEnterpriseValue();
 * </code>
class Company extends Repository
    private $sharePrice;
    private $numShares;
    private $netIncome;
    private $priceScale;
    private $liquidity;
    private $miscIncome;
    private $balanceSheetCCE;
    private $dividends;

    public function __construct($entityName, EntityManager $entityManager) {

         * Set up the default column names to search for.
        $this->sharePrice      = "sharePrice";
        $this->numShares       = "numShares";
        $this->netIncome       = "netIncome";
        $this->priceScale      = 1000;
        $this->liquidity       = "liquidity";
        $this->miscIncome      = "miscIncome";
        $this->balanceSheetCCE = "balanceSheetCCE";
        $this->dividends       = "dividends";

         * marketCap
         * Generate the marketCap like so
         * @return Integer market cap
        $this->addMethod('marketCap', function ($dataObject) {
            $sharePrice = $dataObject->get($this->sharePrice);
            $numShares  = $dataObject->get($this->numShares);

            return $sharePrice * $numShares;

         * priceToEarningsRatio
         * Generate the P/E Ratio
         * @return Integer P/E Ratio
        $this->addMethod('priceToEarningsRatio', function ($dataObject) {
            $sharePrice = $dataObject->get($this->sharePrice);
            $numShares  = $dataObject->get($this->numShares);
            $netIncome  = $dataObject->get($this->netIncome);

            return ($sharePrice * $numShares) / ($netIncome * $this->priceScale);

         * enterpriseValue
         * Generate Enterprise Value
         * @return Integer Enterprise Value
        $this->addMethod('enterpriseValue', function ($dataObject) {
            $sharePrice      = $dataObject->get($this->sharePrice);
            $numShares       = $dataObject->get($this->numShares);
            $liquidity       = $dataObject->get($this->liquidity);
            $miscIncome      = $dataObject->get($this->miscIncome);
            $balanceSheetCCE = $dataObject->get($this->balanceSheetCCE);

            return ($sharePrice * $numShares) + (($liquidity + $miscIncome - $balanceSheetCCE) * $this->priceScale);

         * dividendYield
         * Generate the Dividend Yield
         * @return Integer Dividend Yield
        $this->addMethod('dividendYield', function ($dataObject) {
            $sharePrice = $dataObject->get($this->sharePrice);
            $numShares  = $dataObject->get($this->numShares);
            $dividends  = $dataObject->get($this->dividends);

            return ($dividends / $numShares) / ($sharePrice * 100);
