8/8/2018 - 3:01 AM

My sample Powershell profile script

My sample Powershell profile script

# Sigma profile

Import-Module W:\Gits\posh-git\posh-git.psm1

set-executionpolicy Unrestricted process
$baseDir = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
. "$baseDir\hand.ps1"

# General actions
function edit ($file) { & "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" $file }
function vim () { & "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Vim\vim74\gvim.exe" $args }
function sln { ls -Filter "*.sln" | select -first 1 | %{& ".\$_"} }
function explore { "explorer.exe `"$(pwd)`"" | iex }
function wipe { $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "white"; $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "black"; clear; }
function touch ($file) { echo "" >> $file; }
function work { cd "W:\work" }
function love { w:\love\love.exe . }

# Project specific
function plugs { W:\work\Workspaces\PPM\Plugins\Source\PPM.sln }
function dev_ppm { W:\work\Workspaces\PPM\Development\Source\PPMWeb.sln }
function dev_ppm_full { W:\work\Workspaces\PPM\Development\Source\PPM.sln }
function main_ppm { W:\work\Workspaces\PPM\Main\Source\PPMWeb.sln }
function main_cpq { W:\work\Workspaces\CPQ\Main\Source\CPQ.sln }
function dev_mgmt { W:\work\Workspaces\Tribold\SharedServices\Management\Development\Management.sln }
function dev_ident { W:\work\Workspaces\Tribold\SharedServices\Identity\Development\IdentityProvider.sln }
function dev_share_5 { & "W:\work\Workspaces\Shared Code\5.0\Source\Utility\Tribold.Common.sln" }
function dev_share_5srv { & "W:\work\Workspaces\Shared Code\5.0\Source\Service Interface\Tribold.Services\Tribold.Services.sln" }
function dev_inst { W:\work\Workspaces\Tribold\Installers\Installers.sln }

# Shell environment
function swapd() { # swap between two directories (recreates "pushd +1" from *nix)
	if ((Get-Location -Stack).Count -eq 0) {return}
	$swapd_a = pwd;	popd; $swapd_b = pwd;
	cd $swapd_a; pushd $swapd_b
set-alias which where.exe

# Prompt with directory stack
function prompt {
    $prompt_dir_stack = ""
    $prompt_cd = "$(Get-Location)"

    $host.ui.rawui.WindowTitle = $prompt_cd
    $stackStr = ""
    $timeStr = (Get-Date).ToLongTimeString()
    if ((Get-Location -Stack).Count -gt 0) {
        $stackStr = "$((Get-Location -Stack).Peek()) +$((Get-Location -Stack).Count - 1)"

    Write-Host "$timeStr  $stackStr" -fore "darkgray"
    "$(get-location)> "

# Git helpers
function gti() { echo "Vrooom!"; iex "git $args" }
function ga() { git add -A }
function gs() { git status }
function gas() { git add -A; git status }
function gresetunstaged() { git stash -k -u; git stash drop }
function gcp($msg) { git commit -m "$msg"; git push }
function get() { git pull --ff-only }
function glog() { clear; git --no-pager log --oneline --graph -n 20 --all --format=format:"%<(60,trunc)%s %Cgreen%<(40,ltrunc)%d%Creset" --date-order; echo "`n" }
function gf() { git fetch --all --prune; glog }
function clean_node() { git clean -xdf -e "node_modules" -e "bower_components" }
function gco($branch) { git checkout --track -b "$branch" "origin/$branch" }
function rev($branch) {
    $currentBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
    if (-not ($currentBranch -eq "master")) { echo "Not on master"; return }
    git merge --no-ff --no-commit "origin/$branch"

function pullrev($reference){ # Review code in a Gerrit system
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($reference)) {
        echo "Reference needed. From Gerrit URL 92115/3 -> refs/changes/15/92115/3`nABCDE -> DE/ABCDE/rev"
    $currentBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD;
    if (-not ($currentBranch -eq "master")) { echo "You need to be on 'master' to review"; return }
    git fetch origin $reference;
    git merge --no-ff --no-commit FETCH_HEAD;

function pushrev() { # send a commit for gerrit review
    git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

# Git maintainance
function gdelete_local_merged() {git branch --merged | ?{-not ($_ -like "*master")} | ?{-not ($_.StartsWith("*"))} | %{git branch -d $_.trim()}}
function gdelete_remote_merged($remote) {
    git branch -r --merged "$remote/master" |
    %{$_.trim()} |
    ?{$_.StartsWith($remote)} |
    ?{-not ($_ -match "master")} |
    ?{-not ($_ -match "HEAD")} |
    %{$_.split("/")[1]} |
    %{ git push $remote :"$_" }

# Nodejs helpers
function cover() { istanbul cover C:\Users\iainb\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mocha\bin\_mocha -- -R spec }
function buildSingle($moduleName) { gulp compile -p !$moduleName}
function buildTree($moduleName) { gulp compile -p $moduleName}

$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "white"; $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "black";
$__old_path = $env:path
$env:path += ";${env:ProgramFiles}\Git\bin;${env:ProgramFiles}\Git\usr\bin;" # temp add git-bin to path
Start-SshAgent -Quiet
$env:path = $__old_path
Remove-Variable __old_path
# Iain Ballard's profile script for 7digital working.
set-executionpolicy Unrestricted process
Import-Module posh-git

$baseDir = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
. "$baseDir\hand.ps1"

function edit ($file) { & "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" $file }
function vi ($file) { & "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Vim\vim73\gvim.exe" $file }
function vim ($file) { & "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Vim\vim73\gvim.exe" $file }
function sln { ls -Filter "*.sln" | select -first 1 | %{& ".\$_"} }
function download ($url, $file) {(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $file)}
function wget ($url) {(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("$url")}
function explore { "explorer.exe $(pwd)" | iex }
function rollback { git reset --hard HEAD; git clean -fd;}
function nuke { git reset --hard HEAD; git reset --hard origin/master; git clean -xdf;}

function sql { runas /netonly /user:7digital\iainb "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe"; }

function up() {cd ..;}
function c($loc) {cd $loc; ls;}
function swapd() { # swap between two directories (recreates "pushd +1" from *nix)
	if ((Get-Location -Stack).Count -eq 0) {return}
	$swapd_a = pwd;	popd; $swapd_b = pwd;
	cd $swapd_a; pushd $swapd_b

# Prompt with directory stack
function prompt {
	$prompt_dir_stack = ""
	$prompt_cd = "$(Get-Location)"
	$host.ui.rawui.WindowTitle = $prompt_cd 
	if ((Get-Location -Stack).Count -gt 0) {
		Write-Host "$((Get-Location -Stack).Peek()) +$((Get-Location -Stack).Count - 1)" -fore gray
	"$(get-location)> "

# Git helpers
function ga() { git add -A }
function gs() { git status }
function gas() { git add -A; git status }
function gcp($msg) { git commit -m "$msg"; git push }
function get() { git pull }

$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $GitPromptSettings.DefaultForegroundColor

$__old_path = $env:path
$env:path += ";${env:ProgramFiles}\Git\bin;${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Git\bin" # temp add git-bin to path
Start-SshAgent -Quiet
$env:path = $__old_path
Remove-Variable __old_path

get-psprovider filesystem | %{ $_.Home = "c:\work\" }
cd ~
set-executionpolicy Unrestricted process

get-psprovider filesystem | %{ $_.Home = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\" }
cd ~

function edit ($file) { & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" $file }
function vi ($file) { & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim73\vim.exe" $file }

function plat_build { ~\Build\PlatformBuild.bat }
function copy_ingest_files { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\storage\copyexampleingestfiles.bat }

function con_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\contracts\source\contracts.sln }
function man_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\management\source\management.sln }
function pdk_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\services\pdk\source\pdk.sln }
function com_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\admin\command\source\command.sln }
function qry_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\admin\query\source\query.sln } 
function dis_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\content\discovery\source\discovery.sln }
function del_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\content\delivery\source\delivery.sln }
function sdk_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\client\sdk\dotnet\source\sdk.sln }
function web_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\client\admin\web\source\web.sln }
function syn_sln { c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\client\content\syndication\source\syndication.sln }

$con_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\contracts\source"
$man_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\management\source"
$pdk_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\services\pdk\source"
$com_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\admin\command\source"
$qry_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\admin\query\source"
$dis_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\content\discovery\source"
$del_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\platform\content\delivery\source"
$sdk_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\client\sdk\dotnet\source"
$web_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\client\admin\web\source"
$syn_dir = "c:\projects\twofour.mediafreedom\client\content\syndication\source"