4/13/2017 - 1:26 PM

Default cd_link_conf.xml for SDL Web 8,5

Default cd_link_conf.xml for SDL Web 8,5

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The SDL Web Linking configuration specifies all configuration values
 to enable the linking functionality.                                   -->
<Configuration Version="8.1"
    <!-- The Publications element is a container for separate Publication elements.
            The following attributes can be specified:
                OverrideDiscoveryService - specifies whether OData discovery endpoint configuration should be overridden
                by cd_link_conf.xml configuration.-->
    <Publications OverrideDiscoveryService="false">
        <!-- The publication element allows you to specify Publication specific settings.
               The Id indicates the id of the publication. This should be a number. -->
        <!--<Publication Id="1">-->
        <!-- The Host element allows you to specify information about the site that
                   can be used to create URLs for Dynamic Links.
                   The following attributes are specified:
                      Domain    The domain of the website, for example www.sdl.com. The default domain is localhost.
                      Port      The port of the website, for instance 8080. The default port is 80.
                      Path      The path of the virtual directory of your website. The default path is /.
                      Protocol  The protocol used for the website. The default protocol is http. -->
        <!--<Host Domain="localhost" Port="80" Path=""/>-->
        <!-- The Linking element allows you to specify additional information about
                   the generation of links.
                   The following attributes can be specified:
                      ComponentAnchors     Indicates if anchors should be added to Component
                                           Links so the browser jumps to the position of the
                                           targetted Component Presentation (true or false).
                      AddComponentLinkInfo Indicates if additional information should be
                                           added to the QueryString of a ComponentLink URL.
                                           This information is used by the WAI for ComponentLinkTracking,
                                           so if this functionality is used, the value should be set to true. -->
        <!--<Linking ComponentAnchors="false" AddComponentLinkInfo="false"/>-->

     Specifies the location of the license file.
        <License Location="c:\SDLWeb\cd_licenses.xml"/>