8/6/2011 - 5:04 AM

RW.Pages API

RW.Pages API

$ = jQuery
# Wrap in Closure to avoid global variables.
$ ->
  RW.Pages = new RW.p.PageCollection()
  RW.Pages.add [ 
        id: 'home'
        pageLevel: 0            
        routes: ['']      
        routeHandler: () ->
          LOG 'ROUTE  ////  home' 
          RW.URL.setTitle( RW.WallSettings.get('title') )

        title: () ->
          return RW.WallSettings.get('title')
        editable: true
        id: 'search'
        pageLevel: 1
        routes: ['search/:term']
        routeHandler: (term) ->
          RW.URL.setTitle(term+' / Search / Rituwall' )

        templateId: 'adminSearch_template'        

        id: 'filterTiles'
        pageLevel: -1
        routes: ['tiles/:property-:value']      
        routeHandler: (property, value) ->
          LOG 'ROUTE  ////  filterTiles' 
          RW.URL.setTitle( RW.WallSettings.get('title') )
          if property = 'categories'
            value = {id: value}
          RW.Tiles.filter(value, property)       
        id: 'adminTitle'
        pageLevel: 1
        routes: ['admin/title', 'admin/title/']      
        routeHandler: () ->
          RW.URL.setTitle( 'Wall Settings / Rituwall' )
        view: RW.WallTitleView_admin
        templateId: 'admin_wall_title'
        id: 'announceTile'        
        pageLevel: 2
        routes: ['tiles/:id-type=:type/edit/announce', 'tiles/:id/edit/announce' , 'tiles/:id/edit/announce', 'tiles/:id/announce']   
        routeHandler: (id = 'new', name) ->
          if id is 'new' 
            alert 'cant announce new tile yet...'
            _tileType = RW.Tiles.current.get('type') 
              'tileType': _tileType
              'tileTitle': RW.Tiles.current.get('title') #'A Really Cool ' + RW.Tiles.current.get('type') + ' by ' + RW.Admin.get('username') 
              'tileContent': 'this is a summary of the Rituwall post that is not yet automated' #RW.Tiles.current.get('content')
          RW.URL.setTitle('Announcing Tile / Rituwall')
          RW.Tiles.setCurrent( id )
        view: RW.p.AnnounceTile_view
        templateId: 'announceTile_template'    

        id: 'streamTile'
        pageLevel: 2
        routes: ['tiles/:id-type=:type/edit/stream', 'tiles/:id/edit/stream', 'tiles/:id/stream']      
        routeHandler: (id = 'new', type) ->
          if type 
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( id, {type:type} )
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( id )
          RW.URL.setTitle('Streaming New '+type+' / Rituwall')
        templateId: 'streamTile_template'    
        view: RW.p.ModelSelectionView
          isDragAndDrop: false
            model: 'RW.Tiles.current'
            collection: 'RW.Streams'
            modelAttribute: 'streamTo'
        id: 'stream'
        pageLevel: 2
        routes: ['streams/:id-:name', 'streams/:id']      
        routeHandler: (id = 'new', name) ->
          RW.Streams.setCurrent( id )

            'tileTitle': RW.Tiles.current.get('title') #'A Really Cool ' + RW.Tiles.current.get('type') + ' by ' + RW.Admin.get('username') 
            'tileContent': 'this is a summary of the Rituwall post that is not yet automated' #RW.Tiles.current.get('content')

        templateId: 'stream_edit_page'    
        view: RW.p.Stream_edit_view 
        id: 'categorizeTile'
        pageLevel: 2
        routes: ['tiles/:id-type=:type/edit/categorize', 'tiles/:id/edit/categorize', 'tiles/:id/categorize']      
        routeHandler: (id = 'new', type) ->
          LOG 'ROUTE ////  categorizeTile  /  id: ' + id
          if (id is 'new') and type 
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( 'new', {type:type} )
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( id )
          RW.URL.setTitle('Categorizing '+type+' / Rituwall')      
        templateId: 'category_indexEdit_template'    
        view: RW.p.ModelSelectionView    
          isDragAndDrop: true
            model: 'RW.Tiles.current'
            collection: 'RW.Categories'
            modelAttribute: 'categories'

        id: 'categories'
        pageLevel: 2
        routes: ['admin/categories', 'tiles/categories']      
        routeHandler: (id = 'new', type) ->
          LOG 'ROUTE ////  categories  /  id: ' + id
          if (id is 'new') and type 
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( 'new', {type:type} )
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( id )
          RW.URL.setTitle('Categories / Rituwall') 

        templateId: 'category_indexEdit_template'    
        view: RW.p.ModelSelectionView    
          isDragAndDrop: true
            model: 'RW.Tiles.current'
            collection: 'RW.Categories'
            modelAttribute: 'categories'
        id: 'category'
        pageLevel: 2
        routes: ['categories/:id-:name', 'categories/:id']      
        routeHandler: (id = 'new', name = 'new') ->
          LOG 'ROUTE ////  editCategory  /  id: ' + id
          RW.Categories.setCurrent( id )
          RW.URL.setTitle( 'Categories / Rituwall' ) 

        templateId: 'category_edit_template'    
        view: RW.Category_edit_view
        id: 'addTile'
        pageLevel: 1
        routes: ['admin/add', 'admin/add/', 'tiles/add',  'admin/tiles/add']   
        routeHandler: () ->
          LOG 'ROUTE ////  addTile  /  id: '
          RW.URL.setTitle( 'Add New Tile / Rituwall' ) 

        editable: false
        templateId: 'admin_add_template'

        id: 'wallConfig'
        pageLevel: 1
        routes: ['admin/wall', 'admin/wall/', 'edit']   
        routeHandler: () ->
          LOG 'ROUTE ////  wallConfig  /  id: '
          RW.URL.setTitle( 'Wall Settings / Rituwall' ) 

        templateId: 'wallConfig_template'


        id: 'appearance'
        pageLevel: 1
        routes: ['admin/appearance', 'admin/appearance/']   

        routeHandler: () ->
          LOG 'ROUTE ////  wallConfig  /  id: '

          RW.URL.setTitle( 'Wall Settings / Rituwall' ) 

        templateId: 'admin_appearance'
        backgroundTemplateId: 'page_bg_clear'


        id: 'userConfig'
        pageLevel: 1
        routes: ['admin/me', 'admin/me/']   

        routeHandler: () ->
          LOG 'ROUTE ////  userConfig  /  id: '
          RW.URL.setTitle( 'User Settings / Rituwall' ) 
        editable: false

        templateId: 'userConfig_template'


        id: 'tileAdmin'
        pageLevel: 1
        editable: false
        previewable: true
        view: RW.Tile_edit_view
        templateId: 'admin_tile_article_template'

        routes: ['tiles/:id-type=:type/edit', 'tiles/:id/edit']      
        routeHandler: (id = 'new', type) ->
          if (id is 'new') and type 
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( 'new', {type:type} )
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( id )

          tileType = RW.Tiles.current.get('type')
            templateId: 'admin_tile_'+tileType+'_template'
          RW.URL.setTitle('Editing '+tileType+' / Rituwall')

        id: 'tile'
        pageLevel: 1
        editable: true
        view: RW.TilePageView
        templateId: 'tile_article_template'

        routes: ['tiles/:id-type=:type', 'tiles/:id']      
        routeHandler: (id, type = 'article') ->
          if (id is 'new')
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( 'new', {type:type} )
              templateId: 'admin_tile_' + RW.Tiles.current.get('type') + '_template'
            RW.URL.setTitle('New '+type+' / Rituwall') 
          else if id
            RW.Tiles.setCurrent( id )
              templateId: 'tile_' + RW.Tiles.current.get?('type') + '_template'
            RW.URL.setTitle( RW.Tiles.current.get?('title') + ' / Rituwall' ) 
  return this