Simplistic Full-Text Search With Redis' Sorted Sets
git clone git:// redisearch
cd redisearch
./redisearch.rb index file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
./redisearch.rb search ruby
./redisearch.rb search ruby programming
./redisearch.rb search ruby diamond
The ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide). The red color is caused mainly by the presence of the element chromium. Its name comes from ruber, Latin for red. Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires. The ruby is considered one of the four precious stones, together with the sapphire, the emerald, and the diamond.
Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general-purpose object-oriented programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features. Ruby originated in Japan during the mid-1990s and was first developed and designed by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto. It was influenced primarily by Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, and Lisp.
"Ruby" is a song by English rock band Kaiser Chiefs and is the lead track on their second album, Yours Truly, Angry Mob. It was released as the lead single from that album in the United Kingdom as a download on February 5, 2007 and as a limited edition 7 in and CD single on February 19 that year. It became the band's first ever #1 single on February 25, 2007, and ended 2007 as the year's 10th biggest-selling single in the UK with total sales of 313,765.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'redis'
require 'benchmark'
module SimpleSearch
def index input
document =
document_id = document.path
tokens = analyze
store document_id, tokens
puts "Indexed document #{document_id} with tokens:", tokens.inspect, "\n"
def analyze content
# >>> Split content by words
# >>> Downcase every word
map { |word| word.downcase }.
# >>> Reject stop words, digits and empty tokens
reject { |word| STOPWORDS.include?(word) || word =~ /^\d+/ || word == '' }
def store document_id, tokens
tokens.each do |token|
# >>> Update score for this posting
R.zincrby "search:index:#{token}", 1, document_id
def search query
# >>> Just split query into terms
terms = query.split(' ')
# >>> Perform intersection (logical AND) of sets for the terms
R.zinterstore "search:result", { |term| "search:index:#{term}" }
# >>> Load top 10 matches from the resulting sorted set, as {<DOCUMENT_ID> => <SCORE>}
results = Hash[ *R.zrevrange("search:result", 0, 10, :withscores => true) ]
results.each do |document_id, score|
puts "* #{document_id} (Score: #{score})"
R =
STOPWORDS = %w|a an and are as at but by for if in is it no not of on or that the then there these they this to was will with|
extend self
if __FILE__ == $0
case command = ARGV.shift
when 'index'
elapsed = Benchmark.realtime do
SimpleSearch::R.keys("search:*").each { |key| SimpleSearch::R.del key }
ARGV.each { |file| SimpleSearch.index file }
puts '-'*80, "Indexing done in #{sprintf("%1.2f", elapsed)} seconds", '-'*80
when 'search'
puts '='*80
query = ARGV.join(' ')
elapsed = Benchmark.realtime do query
puts '-'*80, "Query '#{query}' finished in #{sprintf("%1.5f", elapsed)} seconds"
puts "USAGE:\n #{$0} index <FILE>\n #{$0} search <QUERY>"