9/26/2016 - 11:30 PM

Jekyll Casts - Collections Intro

Jekyll Casts - Collections Intro

Defining collections happens in _config.yml. First we add a collections object, then under collections we define the different collections we want on this site. In this case we’re going to have one collections called cookies. 

Documents (the items in a collection) live in a folder in the root of your site named _collection_name, in this case it’s _cookies. Documents can either be Markdown or HTML. Markdown is more common as it’s easier to work with unless you’re doing something complicated.

Now we’ll create a document for each cookie. The image and title will be specified in front matter and the description in the content. For the Afghan cookie we’ll create _cookies/ and copy the content across so it’ll look like this: 
title: Afghan
An Afghan biscuit is a traditional New Zealand biscuit made from flour, butter, cornflakes, sugar and cocoa powder, topped with chocolate icing and a half walnut. The recipe[1] has a high proportion of butter, and relatively low sugar, and no leavening (rising agent), giving it a soft, dense and rich texture, with crunchiness from the cornflakes, rather than from a high sugar content. The high butter content gives a soft melt-in-the-mouth texture, and the sweetness of the icing offsets the low sugar and the cocoa bitterness. The origin of the recipe and the derivation of the name are unknown, but the recipe has appeared in many editions of the influential New Zealand Edmonds Cookery Book.

Source [Wikipedia](

Repeat this for the other cookies.

Next we need to print we’ll replace the hardcoded cookie data cookies.html with data from our cookie collection. Jekyll makes collection documents available to us at site.collection_name, in this case it’s site.cookies. So let’s iterate over our documents and output the data. 
layout: page
title: Cookies
{% for cookie in site.cookies %}
  <div class="cookie">
    <h2><img src="{{ cookie.image_path }}" alt="{{ cookie.title }}">{{ cookie.title }}</a></h2>
    {{ cookie.content }}
{% endfor %}

Remember when you change _config.yml you need to restart your Jekyll server for the changes to take affect.

The output of this page is exactly the same and notice how much we’ve reduced the source code.

Now we have the cookies printed out on this page using collections, let’s try something more advanced. Instead of having all the cookies and content on one page, let’s just have the cookie title which links to another page with more information about that cookie.

We can add an output: true flag to our collection configuration in _config.yml which means Jekyll will generate a page for each document. 
    output: true

 In cookies.html we’ll remove the content and image. We’ll also add an a tag to link to the generated document page. The url is available to us at document.url. 
layout: page
title: Cookies
{% for cookie in site.cookies %}
    <div class="cookie">
        <h2><a href="{{ cookie.url }}">{{ cookie.title }}</a></h2>
{% endfor %}

So how do we specify the look of the generated document pages? Well we can use a layout for that.

We’ll create _layouts/cookie.html with a basic layout: 
layout: page
<div class="cookie">
  <h2><img src="{{ page.image_path }}" alt="page.title" />{{ page.title }}</h2>

  <div class="blog-post spacing">
    {{ content }}

Then in each document we can specify that layout. 
layout: cookie
title: Afghan
An Afghan biscuit is a traditional New Zealand biscuit made from flour, butter, cornflakes, sugar and cocoa powder, topped with chocolate icing and a half walnut. The recipe[1] has a high proportion of butter, and relatively low sugar, and no leavening (rising agent), giving it a soft, dense and rich texture, with crunchiness from the cornflakes, rather than from a high sugar content. The high butter content gives a soft melt-in-the-mouth texture, and the sweetness of the icing offsets the low sugar and the cocoa bitterness. The origin of the recipe and the derivation of the name are unknown, but the recipe has appeared in many editions of the influential New Zealand Edmonds Cookery Book.

Source [Wikipedia](