1/20/2017 - 6:25 AM

From my blog post: Creating dynamic layouts with Jekyll Raw

From my blog post: Creating dynamic layouts with Jekyll Raw

<section class="section{%if include.spaced %} section--spaced{% endif %}{%if include.padded %} section--padded{% endif %}{%if include.classes %} {{ include.classes }}{% endif %}{%if include.centred %} section--centred{% endif %}" style="{%if include.color %}color: {{ include.color }};{% endif %}{%if include.bgcolor %}background-color: {{ include.bgcolor }};{% endif %}">
  <div class="l-container{%if include.size %}  l-container--{{ include.size }}{% endif %}">
    {% if include.title %}
      <h3 class="h3">{{ include.title }}</h3>
    {% endif%}
    {{ include.body | markdownify }}
    {% if %}
      <a href="{{ include.href }}" rel="external">{{ }}</a>
    {% endif %}