6/27/2012 - 7:45 PM

Tweetbot can use regular expressions to mute tweets in your timeline and mentions.

Tweetbot can use regular expressions to mute tweets in your timeline and mentions.

Hashtag abuse

Three or more hashtags.


Long hashtags (15+ characters): #hashtagpunchline

#[^ ]{15}

CamelCase hashtags (3+ Words): #NotSelfAware

#[^a-z ]+[^A-Z ]+[^a-z ]+[^A-Z ]+[^a-z ]+[^ ]*

Painful to read

Unforgivable word shortening: I'm near ur place r u busy?


Mass conversations (4+ Mentions): @guy @dude @otherguy @man totally.


Retweet chains (2+ RTs): OMG RT @teengirlsquad RT @beebz I'm thinking of you.


Mentions with only a URL (spam): @imathis

^@imathis *https?://[^ ]+$