5/29/2013 - 11:19 AM

DTrace script that prints out the physical memory map from EFI. Mimics the output format of the kernel debugging macro of the same name.

DTrace script that prints out the physical memory map from EFI. Mimics the output format of the kernel debugging macro of the same name.

#! /usr/sbin/dtrace -s

 * showbootermemorymap - DTrace script that prints out the physical memory
 *                       map from EFI. Mimics the output format of the
 *                       kernel debugging macro of the same name.
 * Amit Singh
 * http://osxbook.com

#pragma D option quiet

    self->inited = 1;

    self->kgm_boot_args = ((struct boot_args*)(`PE_state).bootArgs);
    self->kgm_msize = self->kgm_boot_args->MemoryMapDescriptorSize;
    self->kgm_mcount = self->kgm_boot_args->MemoryMapSize / self->kgm_msize;

    printf("Type       Physical Start   Number of Pages\n");

    self->kgm_i = 0;

/self->inited && self->kgm_i < self->kgm_mcount/
    this->kgm_mptr = (struct EfiMemoryRange*)
    ((unsigned long)self->kgm_boot_args->MemoryMap +
                    self->kgm_i * self->kgm_msize);


    printf("%s", (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 0)  ? "reserved  " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 1)  ? "LoaderCode" :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 2)  ? "LoaderData" :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 3)  ? "BS_code   " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 4)  ? "BS_data   " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 5)  ? "RT_code   " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 6)  ? "RT_data   " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 7)  ? "available " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 8)  ? "Unusable  " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 9)  ? "ACPI_recl " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 10) ? "ACPI_NVS  " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 11) ? "MemMapIO  " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 12) ? "MemPortIO " :
                 (this->kgm_mptr->Type == 13) ? "PAL_code  " :
                                                "UNKNOWN   ");
    printf(" %016llx %016llx\n",
           this->kgm_mptr->PhysicalStart, this->kgm_mptr->NumberOfPages);

/self->inited && self->kgm_i >= self->kgm_mcount/