3/5/2017 - 8:27 PM

Install SMB server and Client Linux

Make a Debian SMB Server

Update th system : sudo apt-get update

Install Samba : sudo apt-get install samba

assign a SMB password to a user : sudo smbpasswd -a gaetan

Make the directory you wil share : mkdir /home/gaetan/shared

Edit the smb config file : sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
 add at the end : 
     path = /home/gaetan/shared
     browsable = yes
     valid users = gaetan
     read only = no
     create mask = 0755 

restart all the samba services : sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

Mount in windows : navigate with explorer to the server ip/dns TODO authorization

Mount from linux sudo mount -t cifs //debian01315521.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/dev /home/gaetan/share -o username=gaetan,password=MyPassword

The local path /home/gaetan/share must be created