4/5/2017 - 12:56 PM

RxJava2 and Retrofit 2.2.0 compatible factory, which wraps the {@link RxJava2CallAdapterFactory} and takes care of the error conversion.

RxJava2 and Retrofit 2.2.0 compatible factory, which wraps the {@link RxJava2CallAdapterFactory} and takes care of the error conversion.

 * RxJava2 and Retrofit 2.2.0 compatible factory,
 * which wraps the {@link RxJava2CallAdapterFactory} and takes care of the error conversion.
 * Based on: https://github.com/square/retrofit/issues/1102#issuecomment-241250796
public class RxErrorHandlingCallAdapterFactory extends CallAdapter.Factory {
    private final RxJava2CallAdapterFactory mOriginalCallAdapterFactory;

    private RxErrorHandlingCallAdapterFactory() {
        mOriginalCallAdapterFactory = RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create();

    public static CallAdapter.Factory create() {
        return new RxErrorHandlingCallAdapterFactory();

    public CallAdapter<?, ?> get(final Type returnType, final Annotation[] annotations, final Retrofit retrofit) {
        return new RxCallAdapterWrapper<>(retrofit, mOriginalCallAdapterFactory.get(returnType, annotations, retrofit));

    private static class RxCallAdapterWrapper<R> implements CallAdapter<R, Observable<R>> {
        private final Retrofit mRetrofit;
        private final CallAdapter<R, ?> mWrappedCallAdapter;

        public RxCallAdapterWrapper(final Retrofit retrofit, final CallAdapter<R, ?> wrapped) {
            mRetrofit = retrofit;
            mWrappedCallAdapter = wrapped;

        public Type responseType() {
            return mWrappedCallAdapter.responseType();

        public Observable<R> adapt(final Call<R> call) {
            return ((Observable) mWrappedCallAdapter.adapt(call)).onErrorResumeNext(new Function<Throwable, ObservableSource>() {
                public Observable apply(final Throwable throwable) {
                    return Observable.error(asRetrofitException(throwable));

        private RetrofitException asRetrofitException(final Throwable throwable) {
            // We had non-200 http error
            if (throwable instanceof HttpException) {
                final HttpException httpException = (HttpException) throwable;
                final Response response = httpException.response();

                return RetrofitException.httpError(response.raw().request().url().toString(), response, mRetrofit);
            // A network error happened
            if (throwable instanceof IOException) {
                return RetrofitException.networkError((IOException) throwable);

            // We don't know what happened. We need to simply convert to an unknown error

            return RetrofitException.unexpectedError(throwable);