5/29/2013 - 12:17 PM

PHP OOP, implementing and interface & dependancy injection.

PHP OOP, implementing and interface & dependancy injection.


// Define the methods that must be implemented
interface MailerInterface
    public function addEmail($email);
    public function send();

// Implement the Interface methods in this class
class SwiftmailMailer implements MailerInterface
    protected $emails;
    public function addEmail($email)
      // Push each new email on to an array
        $this->emails[] = $email;
    public function send()
    	// Resolve the Swiftmailer object from the IoC, add the $emails to it & send

// Implement the Interface methods in this class
class FakeMailer implements MailerInterface
    public function addEmail($email)
    public function send()

class Sender
    // Typehint MailerInterface and use direct injection to inject the $mailer object
    public function __construct(MailerInterface $mailer)
        $this->mailer = $mailer;
    public function send()

// Example usage
// this will send real emails
$realSender = new Sender(new SwiftmailMailer);

// this will not
$fakeSender = new Sender(new FakeMailer);