4/7/2015 - 1:48 PM


@using Contensis.Framework.Web
@using Contensis.Framework.Web.Search

    string currentLetter = "A"; 
     if (Request.QueryString["letter"] != null)  {
            currentLetter = Request.QueryString["letter"];
    var allContentQuery = Query.Where("Property_IncludeInAtoZ").IsEqualTo("1");    
    var allContent = new NodeFinder().Find(allContentQuery);

<nav class="atozNavigations">
    @for(char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) {       
       var hasContentTest = from content in allContent where content.Data.Title.ToString().StartsWith(c.ToString()) select content;
       if (hasContentTest.Count() > 0)  {
            if(c.ToString() == currentLetter) {
                <a class="currentLetter" title="See content starting with @c" href="AtoZ.aspx?letter=@c">@c</a>
            } else{
                <a href="AtoZ.aspx?letter=@c" title="See content starting with @c">@c</a>
       }  else {
           <span class="noContent">@c</span>

@foreach(ContentNode atozItem in allContent.Where(i => i.Title.StartsWith(currentLetter))){
    //Code to output listing goes here