Hello friends, I am back with new video, but this time I am gonna show to something about a server.
Yeah, it's not an Apache, IIS, Zeus web server, Oracle Web Tier, lighttpd, Apache Tomcat etc..
But it's all about Nginx web server.
- It's free open source popular web server including IMAP/POP3 proxy server.
- Hosting about 7.5% of all domains worldwide, Nginx is known for its high performance,
stability, simple configuration and low resource usage.
- This web server doesn't use threads to handle requests rather a much more scalable
event-driven architecture which uses small and predictable amounts of memory under load.
For more information about Nginx search in Google :D
Today I'll show you that how to configure Nginx web server with PHP in windows 7.
For that we need to download Nginx server's setup files and PHP's setup files as well.
Go to Nginx main website: and download nginx latest release.
For PHP got to this site and download latest relaese.
I am not gonna download both of them because I have already downloaded them.
After downloading both setups extract them into C:// drive.
put extract php folder in nginx folder.
Now follow steps as I am doing in this video.
To configure PHP in nginx we need to make some changes in nginx.conf file.
Remove old code in nginx.conf file paste below code in nginx.conf.
here is code :
location ~ .php$ {
root html;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME C:/nginx/html/$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
To start nginx and php use below batch code:
@ECHO OFF start C:\nginx\nginx.exe start C:\nginx\php\php-cgi.exe -b -c C:\nginx\php\php.ini ping -n 1>NUL echo Starting nginx echo . echo .. echo ... ping >NUL EXIT
To stop nginx and php use below batch code.
@ECHO OFF taskkill /f /IM nginx.exe taskkill /f /IM php-cgi.exe Exit
as we can see on my local ip there is nothing to load.
let us start nginx server.
our server has been started :-)
now let us upload php file.
our nginx server started with php :-)
enjoy :-)
nginx to too faster than apache, once try nginx you will love it :-)
thank you :D