// jshint esversion: 6
//define the event handler
let main = function() {
//always declare variables at the top of the function
let olElement, div, liElement, coffeeDrink;
//dispatch on button id
if (this.id == "btn1") {
//create a new ol element
olElement = document.createElement("ol");
//select the empty div on the web page
div = document.querySelector("div");
//add the ol element to the div
//it's not visible on the web page-- use the DevTools Inspector
} else if (this.id == "btn2") {
//create a new li element
liElement = document.createElement("li");
//get the content entered by the user
coffeeDrink = document.querySelector("#inBox").value;
//add the content to the li
liElement.textContent = coffeeDrink;
//select the ol element
olElement = document.querySelector("ol");
//append the li element to the ol
//this you can see in the browser
} else if (this.id == "btn2") {
//handle the Remove List Item button
//register event handler
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
let buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i)
//when the button gets clicked, who ya gonna call?
buttons[i].addEventListener("click", main);