6/27/2019 - 6:01 PM

How to Reduce/Increase module's weight ? Order run hook


 * Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
function YOURMODULENAME_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
  // I want that my hook_form_alter will execute last
  // Move our hook_form_alter() implementation to the end of the list.
  $my_module = 'MYMODULENAME';
  if ($hook == 'form_alter') {
    $group = $implementations[$my_module];
    $implementations[$my_module] = $group;

  // I want that my hook_form_alter will execute first
  // Move our hook_entity_bundle_info_alter() implementation to the top of the
  // list
  if ($hook == 'form_alter') {
    $group = $implementations[$my_module];
    $implementations = [
      $my_module => $group,
    ] + $implementations;

// Source: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/186506/how-to-reduce-increase-modules-weight-on-the-module-install-process/197097
// Bonus: https://www.drupal.org/project/modules_weight